Measures in China to Disinfect Parcels Before Shipping Which Means Your Taobao Hauls Might Be Delayed

Whether you buy directly from Taobao or you utilise forwarding services like ezbuy, you’re gonna want to take note of this piece of news:

Measures in China to Disinfect Parcels Before Shipping Which Means Your Taobao Hauls Might Be Delayed

Most of us love to get cheap items off Taobao but now that the Wuhan Virus is in full swing, you might be wondering if our parcels are gonna get quarantined too.

Well, the answer is not really. They’re just going to get double-disinfected.

Image: Know your meme

But I know you don’t care about that. You only care that this added disinfection step is going to cause delays in your Taobao parcels.

Unfortunately, the answer is yes.

But at least the chances of you contracting the coronavirus from opening your parcel is lower, right?

Angry reader: I don’t care just give me my parcel!!

Image: Giphy

To curb the Wuhan virus from being expressed shipped to the rest of the world via mail, China is taking more preventive measures.

For instance, China Post’s Express Mail Service (EMS) announced that it will delay all the shipping orders to double-disinfect the items.

They ain’t playing.

According to Mothership, EMS said, “To ensure the public’s safety, we will ‘double-disinfect’ the parcels and the vehicles that will go through Wuhan, delaying the shipping progress.”

Should you still be worried about the “cleanliness” of your parcels, you could also opt to leave it under the sun for a few days after receiving it as the sun’s rays act as a natural disinfectant.

But don’t do that if you’ve ordered live bats from China. It might just be cooked.

Wait, you shouldn’t even be ordering live bats in the first place.

Malaysian Doctor Says Odds Of Getting Virus Via Mail Is Low

That being said, you don’t have to worry because a Malaysian Doctor by the name of Christopher Lee from Sungai Buloh Hospital told Sin Chew Daily that it’s pretty safe to receive parcels from China.

For one, the parcels take at least 24 hours to reach Singapore, and the shipping duration cuts the risk of transmission as the virus is unable to survive on non-living things for longer durations.

Well, glad that’s out of the way. Time to order my items from ezbuy.

I don’t know about you, but I’m seriously wondering if they can also double-disinfect those scam calls from China.