China Tourist Beaten Up in S’pore For Protecting His Wife from 4 Drunk Men

Singapore is legendary for having one of the lowest crime rates in the world.

But like the Singapore Police Force likes to say:


And as this man from China had learnt, that saying’s pretty true here.

Man Ganked By Four Men

On 22 June 2019, a couple, Mr and Mrs Wang, were singing at Bugis Cube until 5 am with a few friends.

His wife, however, ran into some men who starting teasing and gesturing at her. There were seven of them in total.

Three of them seemed intoxicated and were slurring vulgarities at the group.

In order to protect his wife (and the friends, I’m sure), he decided to urge them to leave first while he stayed behind.

Unfortunately for Mr Wang, four of the men ran forward and started beating him up.

According to Mr Wang, the whole incident lasted six minutes and the men only left after hearing about the group wanting to call the police.

Stitches, Blood & Bruises

Mr Wang was sent to Tan Tock Seng Hospital with a swollen head and injuries to his legs, forehead, nose bridge and jaw.

He had to get four stitches on the lips.

Image: Lianhe Zaobao

“My whole body ached, I could only lie down. I don’t have strength in my right arm and could only rely on people to feed me. I feel pain sometimes when my eyes turn.”

It wasn’t only Mr Wang who was injured in the incident.

His wife had bruises on her necks and limbs. Long, a friend of the couple tried to stop the fight but was punched and shouted at.

Lost Valuables

To add salt to the wound, it wasn’t just physical injury. Mr Wang had lost his gold chain and mobile phone during the fight too.

The couple had arranged for an advanced honeymoon to Maldives, Singapore and other countries for wedding photos but lost it all with his phone.

Possible Avenues of Reparations

The couple had made a police report regarding their lost items.

They also approached the Chinese Embassy in Singapore for help. It was reported that a nearby CCTV caught five men in a fight.

In other words, to the men who decided to gangbang a couple on a honeymoon in Singapore, you can run but you can’t hide.

Moral of the Story

Singapore’s safer than most countries but that doesn’t mean you don’t look out when you’re out in the dead of the night.

After all, if you don’t do that, you’re probably going to wind up dead.

And at the sign of any trouble, it’s best to call the police immediately instead of trying to stop the fight yourself.