Chinese Teen Ignored Toothache For A Year; Found Out It’s A Tumour

Sorry to crush your dreams – but if you haven’t already realised, the tooth fairy ain’t real; your toothaches are.

Yes, they are real, and a lot more problematic than your heartaches.

Image: Mr Bean Cartoon

A 15-year-old boy from Hangzhou, China, just found out that the toothache he has been ignoring for the past year is actually caused by a tumour.

Having put off visits to the dentist for the past year, the family finally decided to bring him to the hospital after the pain intensified.

After a scan, the doctors found an ameloblastoma tumour, which literally ate up half of his lower jaw.

Image: Weibo/dskbhz


This tumour is slow-growing but considered highly invasive. After leaving it to grow for over a year, the tumour has caused a large hole in the boy’s lower jaw, and multiple lesions in his bones.

Thankfully, this tumour is unlikely to spread to the other parts of his body. With proper removal of the mass, he is likely to recover fully.

He’ll need to get tooth implants despite his young age though, but at least that will help him to eat normally again.

Importance Of Dental Hygiene

Image: Yonge Eglinton Dental

We all know it’s important to take care of our teeth, but most of us delay dentist visits (gulps, myself included). It is recommended that we make a trip to the dentist every six months, and not wait until we have a toothache.

Good dental hygiene should also be incorporated from a young age. In Singapore, according to Badrun Nafis from Thomson Paediatric Centre, at least half of the preschoolers aged 6 and below have tooth decay.

Now, that’s scary.

Good dental hygiene is extremely important for a number of reasons – especially since it has a huge effect on the quality of your kiss.

Maybe the reason for your heartache is the toothache you’ve been having.

Image: Senorgif


Ok, I’m going to book a dental appointment now and you should too. If you’re a Singaporean / PR, you’ll be happy to know that our polyclinics provides basic dental cleaning services too!