Parking Attendant in Indonesia Wore Coconut ‘Mask’ at Work And Got Punished with Push-ups


Here in Singapore, army-serving males are usually subjected to tekan, a term that’s used in place of punishment. For those unaware, the most common form of tekan here would be… push-ups.

Oh, how much we hated it back then.

Yet, while our tekan automatically dissipates after ORD, it seems that over in other nations, individuals are still getting tekan’d late into their years.

I’m talking, of course, about this particular parking attendant in Indonesia, who had to do push-ups after inventing a whole new mask of his own.

Though in hindsight, I think I would still prefer push-ups over hefty fines.

Parking Attendant in Indonesia Wore Coconut ‘Mask’ at Work And Got Punished with Push-ups

You may not be familiar with Nengah Budiasa, 44. But after reading this article, you’ll likely be able to remember his name.

So just a little background context: Budiasa had previously been reprimanded for re-using dirty masks. Which is something some of us could relate to. 

But instead of simply swapping out the dirty mask for a new one, he opted for a “better” option:

Designing his own mask.

Carving out half a coconut shell with the intent of using it as a mask, he began to use it at work.

And he even customised it further.

As a parking attendant, he would need to operate a whistle. But the usage of a mask appears to conflict with that particular aspect.

“It’s hard to wear a medical mask,” he said. “I have to use a whistle for traffic, it gets dirty quickly, and people continue to protest a lot (because it’s dirty).”

Hence, he decided to fit a whistle into a hole, right in the middle of the mask.

“I feel more comfortable,” he said. “I can speak more clearly.”

As Albert Einstein would say (I think), that’s ingenuity at its finest.


Unfortunately, this didn’t exactly go well with the police officers in the local area.


To Budiasa’s credit, he managed to wear the mask for a whopping four days.

But after municipal police officers started to join in on the attention parade, the innovative mask’s days were, for lack of a better phrase, over.

Informing Budiasa that his mask did not comply with stands, they taught him about health protocols and even gave him medical masks.

They were also nice enough to take into consideration how Budiasa had not intended to violate the rules in the first place.


Yet despite it all, rules are rules. And so it was with heavy hearts that the police officers punished Budiasa with the worst punishment imaginable:


Though thankfully, Budiasa lived to tell the tale. What a hero.

You can view video footage of the incident down below:

Other Instances

For the record, coronavirus rules in Indonesia dictate that you have to wear an acceptable mask at all times.


Failure to do so could incur frightening push-ups.

Just look at this groom over here, who had to do push-ups at his own wedding because he did not have a mask on.


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Thankfully, his bride was content to wait at the side.

Masks were also handed out to wedding guests, before the wedding was allowed to continue.


Understand the importance of wearing a mask here:

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Featured Image: YouTube (Kabarbalihits)