The Story Behind This Image: It’s By a Rising Influencer & She Has Been Cyberbullied Since Then

You might have seen this image floating on the Internet recently:

Image: Facebook

What you might not know is the backstory behind the viral image.

Rising Influencer Who Got Popular for the Wrong Reasons

No one knows who the lady on the left is, but the lady on the right has come out to explain her side of the story.

For a start, the image is real; the image is indeed skillfully edited.

In fact, there are other such images:

Image: Facebook

The lady in pink, who goes by the handle Coeyyy, is a Chinese rising influencer.

The before-and-after images were first posted in China social media in late April, but we Singaporeans weren’t aware of them until a Taiwanese user posted them in Facebook in May.

And as you probably know, things can go viral fastly in Facebook.

Coeyyy has since responded to the viral images.

Not an Internet Celebrity

Coeyyy addressed a few issues in a Weibo post—a social media platform in China that’s like a combination of Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

Firstly, she said that her real appearance has been taken without her consent, and she did not know who had photographed her.

Reader Bao: Why is that important?

I don’t know, but let’s move on.

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Secondly, she emphasises that she’s not 网红—in other words, she’s not an internet celebrity. Over in China, influencers can earn quite a bit of money and there are many full-time influencers. She claimed that she has not received any benefits online before.

Thirdly, she has not used these images to “catfish” men. Lest you’re an old fellow who thinks that catfish is a fish that looks like a cat, the word “catfish” is used to described an action whereby a person uses a fake image for a dating app/site.

She also has tutorials on how to edit images with apps such as Facetune2 and Meitu XiuXiu, and used this opportunity to promote her tutorials.

Still Posting Images

Even after the hoo-ha, Coeyyy has not let the hate get into her.

As of now, she’s still posting OOTD images, which no one would know they’re edited if not for the viral images:

Image: Weibo
Image: Weibo

Whenever you approve of her actions, you’d have to admit that her photo editing skills are indeed top-notch.