Survey Shows Half of S’poreans Will Reject a Potential Partner If He / She is Messy

What do you think is the number one dealbreaker when you’re trying to get a girlfriend or boyfriend?

Could it be your looks? Or maybe your tendency to pay more attention to Mobile Legends than the news?

Well, a new survey was conducted to find out what’s the most common dealbreakers out there for relationships, and one bad habit sends 50% of your potential partner running away.

Here’s what you need to know.

P.S. #ForeverAlone people, this is for you.

Survey Shows Half of S’poreans Will Reject a Potential Partner If He / She is Messy

Coffee Meets Bagel is the dating app for real relationships, and this 2021, they set out to find out what exactly makes people run away from potential partners.

From looks to habits, occupations and more, no stones were left unturned.

And the most glaring dealbreaker they found in the study so far, was that “messy people sent dates running”.

According to the survey, one in two Singaporeans would reject a partner for being too messy.

This sentiment is most apparent in people from Gen X (40 to 49 years old) and Baby Boomers (50 to 65 years old) generations.

Similarly, one in three (33%) would dump a partner for biting his or her nails.

Other Findings

The survey also found that having a fresh breath ranks at the top for both men and women.

Having good teeth, a great smile and love dimples are also qualities that made it to the top.

For women, the height of the men matters; it was found that women adored tall men while men prefers long hair over long legs.

The occupation of the partner is also a factor in the decision-making process where about 20% would reject their dates based on this.

Professions such as doctors, teachers and bankers are the most sought-after occupations.

Women are also found to be two times more likely to search for a partner who is financially stable.

Plus, if you love animals, you’ll be happy to know that women love pets so much they’re seven times more likely to seek out a partner who loves animals.

Young VS Old

Now, for the age-specific findings.

Turns out, millennials (aged 26-39) place a lot of importance on how the partner looks, how affectionate he or she is, and how good they are in bed.

Baby boomers, on the other hand, care about the partners’ temperament; they look for a partner who is low-maintenance, not easily jealous and is able to compromise.

Despite the differences, it was agreed that the top three qualities that is important across the age groups are honesty, loyalty and mutual respect.

In other words, not all hope is lost yet, my friends.

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