287 New COVID-19 Cases in S’pore Today (9 Apr): Link Found Between Mustafa Centre & Dormitories


The number is indeed scary, but please calm down.

For a start, it’s mentioned that it takes about 11 days for the effects of Circuit Breaker to show results, and we’re only on the third day (though it felt like 30 days le).

And secondly, a majority of the new cases are from dormitories, though the number of local unlinked cases are still worrying.

Here’s today’s announcement.

Record-High of 287 New COVID-19 Cases in S’pore Today: Majority Are From Dormitories

A staggering 287 new COVID-19 cases are reported today.

This is the first time that the number of new cases is more than 200.

Out of all the new cases, 219 are linked to existing clusters. At least 160 of the cases are linked to the S11 Dormitory @ Punggol cluster.

Another 19 of them are linked to previously confirmed cases.

Currently, 46 of the new cases are unlinked.

Mustafa Centre Linked to a Construction Site & Dormitory Clusters

Today, it’s also revealed that there’s a link between the Mustafa Centre cluster and the Project Glory construction site cluster, and also a number of foreign worker dormitories: S11 Dormitory at Punggol, Sungei Tengah Lodge, Tampines Dormitory Cochrane Lodge II  and Toh Guan Dormitory.

According to the Ministry of Health Assoc Prof Kenneth Mak, some workers might have visited Mustafa Centre and transmitted the virus to their co-workers, and then to others in the dormitories.

He added, “Transmission most likely occurred through close contact, for example at meal times, during breaks, and also between co-workers at work due to physical proximity at work sites.”

As of now, four dormitories have been gazetted as isolation areas: They are S11 Dormitory @ Punggol, Westlite Toh Guan dormitory, Toh Guan Dormitory and Sungei Tengah Lodge.

This means residents in the dormitories are effectively “quarantined”.

Updates on Current Cases

As of now, this means we have a total of 1,910 confirmed cases.

314 patients have fully recovered and discharged.


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