A Step-By-Step Guide To What You Should Do If You Test Positive For COVID-19

Previously, we’re written about what employers should do when their staff comes down with COVID-19.

You can read the full article here, but basically, there are three simple steps:

  • Get all staff to WFH within 24 hours
  • Clean the affected area
  • And remind affected employees not to anyhowly go out jalan-jalan

But what if you’re the one who tested positive for COVID-19? What should you do and where should you go?

Don’t worry, because we’ve got you covered.

A Step-By-Step Guide To What You Should Do If You Test Positive For COVID-19

So, let’s say, you’re feeling unwell, and you suspect you’ll soon be one of the statistics reported every morning by Goody Feed, here’s what you should do.

Step One: Get Tested

Every Singaporean household received / will receive six Antigen Rapid Test (ART) kits. If you find even the slightest thing wrong, head to the drawer (aptly named Apocalypse Corner) and do a test for yourself.

However, if you don’t trust your own hands and prefer to have a professional lay their hands on you, you can opt to go for a Public Health Preparedness Clinic (PHPC) for a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) swab test.

While waiting for your results, self-isolate yourself as best as you can at home.

Take a private transport home (car or taxi) and lock yourself into a well-ventilated room with an attached bathroom.

Needless to say, keep your mask on and avoid talking to others; and don’t go around pulling people’s masks off, of course.

Now, what if your PCR test comes back positive?

Step Two: Isolation

If you’ve followed the instructions above, then you’ve got to keep isolating yourself from the rest of the world.

Keep the room’s windows open for ventilation and keep yourself away from your household members like a 5-year-old kid throwing a tantrum.

Step Three: Recovery At Home / At Community Care Facility or Hospital

In case you’ve missed it, home-recovery is now a thing in a bid to save hospital beds for those who really need it.

For those who fulfil the following conditions, they can recover at home:

  • Fully-vaccinated
  • Aged between 12 and 50 years old
  • Are asymptomatic (no symptoms or mild symptoms)
  • Have no severe comorbidities (hypertension, diabetes, etc) or illness
  • No elderly household members or individuals belonging to vulnerable groups

An SMS with a link to provide you with details will be sent to you within 24 hours.

But what if you don’t fulfil the above criteria for one reason or another? Don’t worry, you won’t be asked to fend for yourself.

MOH will make alternative arrangements for you.

Step Four: Measure, Measure, Measure

Measure your pulse rate, oxygen levels and temperature on a daily basis with a thermometer and an oximeter.

If you don’t have these devices at home, someone will come to your home to provide a “care pack” filled with said items.

You might be required to pass your TraceTogether token to the officer when he’s there to drop off the items to facilitate contact-tracing.

Step Five: Inform

Now, most close family members living in the same home might already have an inkling that something is wrong.

Unless you locking yourself in the room for weeks is normal, then something is really wrong.

Don’t keep them in suspense and tell them truthfully about your situation.

Get them to register themselves via the link sent to you as well so an electronic Quarantine Order (QO) can be sent to them.

Step Six: Starting Home Recovery

An initial assessment will be conducted for you by a telemedicine provider to make sure you’re clinically well for home recovery.

A Home Recovery Buddy will also be tagged to you, ensuring that you’re never alone on your journey to good health.

Step Seven: Stay In Your Room

As the name implies, you need to stay home. Yes, I know that’s common sense but not everyone gets it.

However, you’ll need to go one step further and make sure you stay in your room.

If you’ve missed it, your room must have an attached bathroom so you can wash your hands regularly with soap.

You should strive to make contactless transactions, and get your food and groceries delivered.

Needless to say, no visitors are allowed in your home.

Step Eight: Submit Your Readings Once A Day

You’re also going to be preoccupied during your recovery.

Once a day, you’ll have to submit your temperature, pulse rate and oxygen saturation rate daily via the link provided to you in the Home Recovery booklet.

If you’re feeling unwell anytime during your recovery phase, contact your telemedicine provider or call 995.

Step Nine: Opt For Assessment

For those who reached day 6, you can opt for a PCR test, which will be done at your home.

You can contact your telemedicine provider for assistance.

If your test returns negative, or shows that you have a low viral load, you can be discharged on Day 7.

If, however, you choose not to take the assessment, or it returns positive / high viral load, you’ll have to wait until Day 10.

On Day 10, as long as you are well, you will be discharged.

Understand how PCR tests work by watching this video:

Step Ten: Reduce Social Interaction

Yes, I know, you’re now raring to integrate back into society after your involuntary fast from society.

But minimise your social interaction for the next seven days.

For those who wants an MC to rest a few more days, you can approach your telemedicine provider.

For the visual learners out there, you can check out the infographics provided by the very handsome Minister Ong Ye Kung below:

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Featured Image: aslysun/shutterstock.com