Everything About the Wrong Results of 33 COVID-19 Cases in S’pore

Breaking news: Remember how Expo had 4 Covid-19 cases?

Well, turns out that it could be lesser, and the last one (a radiographer), was a “false positive”.

In other words, they thought he was infected but he wasn’t.

Image: Giphy

And he’s not the only one.

Everything About the Wrong Results of 33 COVID-19 Cases in S’pore

Yesterday (10 May), it was reported that 33 patients who tested positive for Covid-19 actually wasn’t infected.

It was an “apparatus calibration issue” with one of its test kits, the Ministry of Health (MOH) announced.

They added that they regularly review the laboratory tests and found 33 of them to be “false positives”.

After retesting at the National Public Health Laboratory, they confirmed that the 33 cases tested negative.

No “False Negative” Cases

So far, from their review, they’ve not come across “false negatives”, cases where Covid-19 patients test negative.

Which is great because if there are, we’re all screwed and might go the same way as Malaysia.

Imagine releasing a Covid-19 carrier into society, who might not be as careful because he’s been told that he’s “safe”.

Image: Giphy

Meanwhile, MOH assures that they’ve made sure to act fast to “rectify” the situation.

They’ve stopped all tests at the laboratory to resolve the “calibration” issue.

Cases That Were False Positive:

Case 20,844, which is the fourth healthcare worker at Singapore Expo to be tested positive for Covid-19 is one of the “false positive” cases.

Other cases include: 20847, 20850, 20853, 20854, 20855, 20856, 20973, 21018, 21021, 21024, 21111, 21120, 21163, 21166, 21170, 21370, 21456, 21581, 21595, 21596, 21598, 21599, 21600, 21601, 21602, 21603, 21604, 21605, 21606, 21607, 21608 and 21609.

Only 1 Healthcare Staff From S’pore Expo Tested Positive For Covid-19

The radiographer wasn’t the only Covid-19 case from Expo who wasn’t infected with Covid-19.

Turns out, there are two others.

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MOH revealed that case 18669, the 52-year-old healthcare volunteer working at Singapore Expo tested negative.

The same goes for case 19360, a 20-year-old male nurse working at the same facility.

These cases, however, are not false positives.

MOH claims that both of them returned “equivocal” results, results which are uncertain and ambiguous according to my good friend, Google.

To be on the safe side, the ministry classified them as positive cases while they send their results for retesting at the National Public Health Laboratory.

They confirm that both tested negative for Covid-19 upon re-testing.

Nonetheless, the authorities are still hard at work improving the infection control measures put into place to protect healthcare workers during the course of their duties.

Previously, the health minister of Singapore said that most healthcare Covid-19 cases do not have evidence proving that the infections occurred “in the line of duty”.

Who says being kiasu is a bad thing again?

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