310 COVID-19 Cases Today (22 July); 7 in the Community


Do you know that the daily community cases in Singapore have been consistently low in recent days? In fact, it’s so low that the average community cases have dropped?

Today, it’s stayed constant.

Today, MOH reported a total of 310 cases.

7 cases are community cases, with 3 of them Singaporeans or Singapore PRs.

There are also 6 imported cases who were placed on stay-home notice upon arrival in Singapore.

The majority of the cases are residents in dormitories.

This brings the total number of cases in Singapore to 48,744.

On average, based on yesterday’s numbers, the number of new cases in the community has decreased, from an average of 13 cases per day in the week before, to an average of 10 per day in the past week.

The number of unlinked cases in the community has also decreased, from an average of 7 cases per day in the week before, to an average of 6 per day in the past week.

While it’s goody to know about the lower community cases despite our reopening, there’s a chance that we’re getting complacent.

And it’s not based on your uncle’s observation. Singapore (ex) discipline master said one.

Minister Says Beaches ‘Extremely Crowded’ & Part of Them Would Be Closed

Yesterday (21 July 2020), the discipline master of Singapore, Mr Masagos Zulkifli, took to Facebook to highlight his latest concern: Complacent Singaporeans.

Citing his concern for complacency setting in, Mr Masagos said that beaches at East Coast and Sentosa were crowded over the past weekend.

Many of his safe-distancing ambassadors (SDA) and enforcement officers (EO) came across groups that consist of more than 10 people.

Many of them were also spotted without masks.

When approached, they merely said they were “eating or drinking”.


NParks, he added, has segmented the more popular beach fronts at East Coast Park since early July. When things get too crowded, they’ll close selected sections.

And that’s not all.

Mr Masagos said that they (the authorities) will be “stepping up enforcement”, and fines will be given out for violations. He added that people here can check the NParks website which shows the crowd levels at various parks and beaches before making their way there.