Creative Artist Redraws Traditional Remedies With A Pokemon Twist

Most Singaporeans could probably identify traditional remedies like Vicks, Zambuk, and Tiger Balm by scent alone, like bomb-sniffing dogs.

We associate these remedies with our childhood when our parents administered various traditional medicines to soothe our ailing bodies.

Well, one creative artist has managed to recreate these medicines with a Pokemon twist.


D.atlastudio, an artist who designs enamel pins, has redesigned the labels on these traditional medicines with Pokemon characters.

D.atlastudio calls it the “Asian Medication Kit”.

In this kit, each label has a different Pokemon on it, with a pun or twist on the name as well.

For instance, the famous ache-relieving ointment Tiger Balm has been renamed Arcanine Balm. Arcanine is the Pokemon that looks most like a tiger, so that makes sense.

Zambuk is now Zam-Bat, with a scary Zubat on the label. It offers “gentle healing”, but as you know, Zubat is anything but gentle.

I mean, this one’s a no-brainer. Snake Brand Prickly Heat Powder is now Ekans Brand Prickly Heat Powder. Relieve your itchiness with this “sizzling powder”.

Let Vaporean stop your runny nose with the new Vicks Vaporean-Rub. If Vaporean melts it might just make things worse, though.

These Voltorb Po Chai pills purport to relieve you of your “explosive diarrhoea”, but I’m not sure how Voltorb would do that and I don’t really want to find out.

How could we forget cute little Pikachu? If you need relief from pain caused by insect bites, use Mopika.

And if you need to clean those filthy hands, use “Dittol Jelly Handwash”.

Enamel pins 

These creative designs aren’t just for Instagram likes, however.

If you’re a fan of D.atlastudio’s art, you will soon be able to get the designs as enamel pins.

The artist is planning to convert the designs into gold-plated enamel pins and has set up a Kickstarter page for those who are interested in pledging to get these items.

You can choose from a total of 11 designs.

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Asian medication kit Kickstarter is finally live! Sorry I took some time to get this up and running cause the past few weeks have been pretty packed for me😂 Took in the suggestions and advice from you guys and change up the design a little! They will all be gold plated hard enamel pin and will be smaller in size compared to my usual ones! Some differences between this Kickstarter and the previous one is that only certain tiers have early-bird discounts and the add ons can be done right away by pledging extra accordingly. More details available in the Kickstarter page. Do drop me a DM if you have any questions and I’ll be more than happy to help! Will really appreciate you guys to help me spread the word around so we can unlock all the designs as soon as possible!! 😀 Oh and LINK IN BIO!!🎉🎉🎉

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If you pledge S$10, you can purchase one acrylic keychain. If you pledge S$14 or more, you can get an enamel pin of any design.

Those who really like these designs and want the whole set have to pledge S$140 or more.

Head to d.atlastudio’s Kickstarter page now to purchase these items!