Daiso Reopening All Outlets from 19 June After Hoo-Ha on Whether It Was Essential or Not

When the circuit breaker was announced, everyone wondered if DAISO was considered essential or not.

Early in April, DAISO looked like they got permission from the authorities, and announced that they will leave 5 outlets open.

Which sounded like all was resolved, right? It means DAISO is essential, but not super essential so only a few stores will be open.

But in response to this announcement, comments have flooded in, with mixed responses.

Image: Imgflip

But before anyone started throwing virtual internet chairs at each other, DAISO flipped the prata.

They deleted the original announcement post and made a new one just mere hours later, announcing that all stores are to be closed instead.

View this post on Instagram

 Dear Customers, We sincerely apologise for the opening notice that we displayed earlier in our social media mentioning that some of our stores are open throughout the Circuit Breaker period. The shops were opened earlier but all stores are now closed. In the short period of time it has garnered mixed responses both from public and entities, we understand that this is a critical period for Singapore and will comply with the measures. The management has since retracted the notice and confirmed that ALL DAISO and THREEPPY Stores will be closed throughout this period, starting from 7 April to 4 May 2020 or until further notice. We regret the inconvenience caused for every party and would like to thank you for your understanding and continued support. #ダイソー #daiso #daisojapan #daisosg #daisosingapore #always2dollars #singapore #staysafe

A post shared by Daiso Japan Singapore (@daiso_singapore) on

According to the post, DAISO got mixed responses from “both the public and entities”.

Huh? Similan? Did these “entities” AKA who-else-but-the-gahmen approve at first, causing the first announcement, then later un-approve them, causing the second announcement?

Either way, with this decision, people were forced to shut up. The hoo-ha never really got big in the end.

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So They Closed With Not A Bang…But A Whimper

And people planning to buy things from DAISO were like:

Shit, I wanted to start gardening, but now I can’t buy gardening supplies from DAISO.

Wait, but it makes sense for DAISO to be closed if Valu$Dollar and those HDB home supply stores are closed.

Shit, I wanted to spend time at home making my home more organised with DAISO products, but now DAISO is closed.

Wait, why are Valu$Dollar and those HDB home supply stores closed if we need to stay at home and they sell home supplies? 

Some of us took action and requested DAISO for an e-commerce option.

There even more proactive ones even suggested that they would help DAISO set one up.

The less proactive ones started thinking of what we could have achieved with DAISO products.

We looked at the unorganised places in our homes.

Without the cheap products to start organising, we counted the tiles on our walls.

Sigh… at least these walls look neat. Unlike my work drawer that now has more stuff because I’m working at home and could really need those sweet DAISO organisers.

Ah, there’s a chip in the wall.

I could really use a DAISO wallpaper right now.

Reader: Wait, those DAISO fan thoughts are oddly specific. These are your thoughts, aren’t they?!

Why yes, yes they are.

But nobody heard anything from DAISO, and the chain seemingly disappeared from our lives…

After 2 months of anguishing, DAISO has finally announced on 17 June:

All DAISO And Threeppy Stores To Re-open 19 June 2020 10 am

Image: giphy

The chain reminds us to follow safe distancing measures and to wear a mask.

From the case study of McDonald’s, we can expect the pent-up demand to result in super long queues at DAISO at least in the first week.

Read this if you need to find out more about Phase Two.

Remember, Phase Two doesn’t mean no more COVID-19 hor.

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