Woman in ICU After a Flying Wheel Chock Hit Her on the Head in Boon Lay

Ms Deng Jieting, a 34-year-old administrative worker in a factory, was struck by an errant wheel chock in the head as she was waiting at the bus stop.

The incident occurred between 12:15pm to 12:40pm on 14 April, at the 21321 Jalan Boon Lay bus stop.

Image: Google Maps

In Intensive Care Unit due to Her Injuries

The wheel chock is a triangular wedge-shaped object that’s typically placed against the wheel to stop the vehicle from moving arbitrarily.

Image: facebook.com (Shin Min Daily News 新明日报)

When the object clocked her in the left side of her head, close to her ear, the impact had been so severe that Ms Deng was thrown to the ground and fell on her right side, injuring both sides of her face, ears, eyes, and neck as a result.

She was conveyed to National University Hospital by ambulance.

Her injuries proved to be much worse than what it appeared on the surface: the doctors discovered that she was suffering from internal bleeding in her brain, fractures in her spine, and damage to her ears.

Ms Deng was in critical condition and comatose for a full day, before she thankfully regained consciousness on 15 April.

Although she’s awake now, she’s still warded in the ICU for further observation, and she will require physiotherapy to recover, though it’s unknown if she’ll ever be the same again.

As of right now, her head is wrapped with bandages, and her only means of communication is by the twitch of her fingers.

Needless to say, she suffered substantial damage from that flying wheel chock, by no fault of her own.

How Her Family was Informed

According to Shin Min Daily News, Ms Deng was done with her shift at work and was making her way back home when the accident happened.

It’s speculated that the wheel chock probably dropped out of a moving vehicle, and it happened to hit Ms Deng as she was seated at the bus stop.

Ms Deng’s female cousin, Melissa Chow, told Mothership that it was Ms Deng’s colleagues who found her collapsed at the bus stop, and attended to her until the ambulance arrived.

They also notified their boss, who in turn, informed Jie Ting’s older brother, Mr Benjamin Deng about the accident.

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The Family is Seeking Witnesses

Owing to the secluded and remote area of the Jalan Boon Lay bus stop, and that it was near an industrial sector, there’s unfortunately no CCTV footage to elucidate how the accident managed to occur.

Much of the details surrounding the accident is shrouded in mystery.

Hence, the family have taken to various news outlets and social media in a plea for any possible eyewitnesses or passers-by to step forward with any information they know.

Even dash cam footage of the road around the given time at that area interval will suffice.

In fact, in Ms Chow’s Facebook post, she raises a few pertinent questions:

Like, “How did a freaking wheel chock manage to fly up to her head?”

Because it’s impossible for someone to deliberately throw the wheel chock at Ms Deng’s head, with enough force, to cause the extent of blunt trauma she suffered, unless they were an NBA pitcher or something.

Therefore, it must have been a freaking combination of factors that probably led to this accident.

Ms Chow is also desperate to know the identity of the rogue driver, wondering if they are aware of their actions, and if yes, did they choose to run away instead of aiding their victim?

She also voices her frustration about the police’s inability to identify the culprit, even though it has been a few days since the accident happened.

Similarly, Mr Deng has gone onto SG Road Vigilante to look for witnesses, while linking to the article that was posted by Shin Min Daily News regarding the terrible accident.

The family sincerely hopes that they can get to the bottom of the matter and bring the culprit to justice. 

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Featured Images: Facebook (Shin Min Daily News 新明日报)