Dennis Chew Finally Spoke Out About the ‘Brownface’ Ad


Unless you live under a rock, you’d have known about the ‘brownface’ controversy ad that has sparked conversation even outside of Singapore.


The repercussions of the ad have even led to an even more racist video made by Preetipls and her brother. While most of us were focused on the takedown of the video by the Singapore authorities and Preetipls’ insincere apology, followed by a sincere one after MHA called her out, the face behind the ad has been quiet throughout.

Until today, that is.

“Brownface” Ad Led to Apologies from Advertisement Agency, Management of Dennis Chew and NETS

After the ad was out, people were triggered as it was considered “brownface”, whereby a minority race is being portrayed by a majority race by “darkening” his skin to impersonate the minority race.

Soon, the creative agency behind the campaign and The Celebrity Agency, which manages Dennis Chew, apologised publicly, saying, “We’re sorry for any hurt that was unintentionally caused. Behind the ad is an initiative to provide greater convenience to consumers, merchants and small food businesses.

“For that reason, Dennis Chew, well-known for his ability to portray multiple characters in a single production in a light-hearted way, was selected as the face of the campaign. He appears as characters from different walks of life in Singapore, bringing home the point that everyone can e-pay.”

And immediately after that, they removed the image online, leaving only one Chinese Chew in their website.

NETS followed up with an apology as well.

Dennis Chew Spoke Out

Throughout the last few days, people have been commenting on his Instagram, wanting a response from him.

At 7:00 p.m. today, Dennis Chew finally spoke out on Instagram, and it seems like he has been following the news closely.

Lest you can’t read:

My role in a recent ad has caused much disappointment.

For many days I held back what I have to say, afraid of making things worse. I feel terrible about how things turned out.

I cannot undo things but I would like to say to everyone, I am deeply sorry.


We live in a harmonious multiracial society and we must never take it for granted. I will set higher expectations of myself. I will do better by my family, friends, colleagues and most importantly, all of you.

With that, would that be the end of this entire saga?

Well, maybe not. The police are still investigating Preetipls’ video.

But at least there’s a closure on the “brownface” ad.