The Differences Between Regular Air-Con & Portable Air-Con in S’pore

Last Updated on 2022-05-18 , 1:51 pm

For Singaporeans, three things are certain in life: death, CPF, and the heat.

It’s frustrating to walk out of the house clean and refreshed only to look like you showered with your clothes on when you reach your workplace.

Even if you can withstand the heat during the day, sleeping in a hot, humid country like Singapore can be a struggle.

So you decide to buy an air-conditioner and fantasize with delight about a beautiful unit being installed in your home. Angels sing and harp music plays as the cool, crisp air hits you like a newfound love.

But what type of air conditioner should you get? Should you save up for a couple of months for the legitimate one, or go cheap for a portable one?

Portable Air Conditioners

One of the advantages of portable air conditioners is that it’s incredibly easy to install. All you have to do is to place a small exhaust through a window so heat can be removed from your room.

Another attractive feature is its mobility. A portable air conditioner can be moved around to cool any space in your house.

It does require a window though, so it might be hard to cool yourself while you poop.

It also doesn’t require a fan unit to hang outside your home, unlike some huge ugly square beast.

However, as compared to regular split or window units, portable air conditioners consume more energy.

So, while portable units might be cheaper initially, they may cost you more in the long run.

Regular Air Conditioners

Split or window air conditioners are more common because of their higher capacity. It can cool a large room in minutes, as opposed to a portable unit.

Also, while it cools and dehumidifies just like a portable air conditioner, regular units ventilate as well. This allows the cool air to spread around the room more efficiently.

Another advantage of purchasing a regular split or window unit is that it doesn’t take up space in your room, because it’s either installed through a wall or a window.

And in tiny apartments like the ones we have in Singapore, space is precious.

Regular air conditioners are also generally more energy-efficient than portable units.

Moreover, according to Diffen, it’s easier to find an energy-efficient window or split air conditioner than a portable one.

So, if you don’t want your jaw to meet the floor every time the electricity bills come around, a regular unit might be the better option.

Go big, then maintain small.

Decisions, decisions

So, which one should you get?

It really depends on your needs and preferences. If you only plan to use your air conditioner occasionally on extremely hot days, then you should probably purchase a portable one because it’s cheaper.

But if you plan to use it every day, then a split or window unit might be a more practical choice.

And considering how Singapore is expected to be hot most of the time, you might just need to use it daily.

If you’re rich and would melt in a place without an air-conditioner, then get both: If your wall unit fails for some reason, you can still resort to the portable one.

Featured Image: Seasontime /