Different Ways You Can Use Tiger Balm Ointment That Makes It A Miracle Medicine


Last Updated on 2020-12-08 , 6:08 pm

There’s a Tiger product for every stage of life you’re at.

When you’re a kid, you eat Tiger biscuits.

When you’re a teen, you drink Tiger sugar boba.

When you’re an adult, you drink Tiger beer.

When you’re a parent, you use Tiger soya sauce.

And finally, when you’re old, you use Tiger balm.

Image: i viewfinder / Shutterstock.com

The magical remedy of ancient times.

I’m not gonna lie, I’m still on the young side of the millennials, so even when I was a kid, all I remember was seeing tiger balms at my grandma’s house before it sort of fell out of trend a bit over the years.

But nevertheless, many Singapore Chinese still believe in it and are still applying it to this day.

So, what have you been using it for?

Did you know that there are many applications you may not know of? Here are some of the best ones.

It’s Good for Combating Insects.

Its scent acts as a natural insect repellent against mosquitoes and wasps. Leaving a tin open can ward off unwelcome pests.

Still got stung by a mosquito? No worries. Tiger balm can alleviate the itchiness as well.

Are your furniture infested with termites? Find one of the termite holes and apply the balm, and they’ll die out soon enough.

Body Problems? No problem.

If you’re having rheumatic pains, simply rub the balm on your lower back, legs, and directly on your sore muscles and bones.


Its painkilling effects appear to work on even teeth. Apply some of the balm onto a cloth, and rub it around the affected tooth.

German football players have also reported that applying it on your chest will alleviate pains while running.

Not even sore throats or diarrhoea is a problem; just apply it on your neck or navel area respectively.

Miracle Remedy for Basically your Entire Body.

Having an issue with body odour? Tiger balm is your answer. (But risk smelling of menthol instead)

Whether you’re growing corns and calluses or having a cold and blocked nose, Tiger balm does the job.


Constipated? Rub some on your belly and you’re good to go.

Suffering from motion sickness? Rub some on your lips.

Getting a headache from school or work? Temples.

Cold feet? Feet.

You get the idea.

Seriously, What Can It Not Do?

Nothing, really. It can do anything.


Tiger balm can remove paint stains from your hands, remove sticker remnants you just can’t peel off, get rid of shoe odours, and probably many more.

I wouldn’t be surprised if scientists discover one day that tiger balm cures cancer too.

If you’re tempted to buy one now, I’m sure many convenient stores and supermarkets are still selling it.

Looks like our grandmas had the right idea all along.

Featured Image: i viewfinder / Shutterstock.com
