Do these 7 things and your ex will regret that he / she ever left you


Last Updated on 2016-05-19 , 1:42 pm

After breaking up, you might cry for days on end but after that, your mind will be full of rage for the person who initiated it. Revenge might be sweet, but some people take it in a very negative way. Don’t be that crazy/psychopathic ex; be that ex that your ex would want back.

The sweetest part is, you no longer want them back because you will be a much better person after doing these things. Revenge is a dish best served cold, isn’t it? Who needs all that negativity and bad memories in their life?

Dress up yourself.
It’s not for him to see; it’s for you to feel more confident about yourself. When you exude confidence, better people will come along and make you see that your ex is not the only tree in the forest.

Smile at your ex.
Firstly, it fills him/her with extreme guilt. Secondly, they will be so surprised that you’re doing totally fine without them. Lastly, you will also feel so much better about yourself since smiling can bring out the positivity in you!

Read more.
Reading helps to take your mind off things, and also provide you with a wealth of information. Intelligence is sexy.

Join more social events.
To get yourself out of a pit of moaning and complaints, get yourself out there. Life is so much more than a single relationship; make some good friends while you’re at it.

Work hard, play hard.
Live your life in a fulfilling way. Strive for results and achievements. Be a much better person than you were before the relationship ended.

Find a better half.
No matter whether there are residual feelings, your ex will definitely have some degree of jealously or discomfort at seeing you even happier than you were before when the both of you were still together.

Be independent.
A relationship often makes the couple reliant on each other. However, you are your own person and you don’t need anyone else to survive life. Therefore, you actually shouldn’t even worry about how your ex feels or whether he/she will regret breaking up with you. Just be yourself, and be a better self!

Top Image: Twinsterphoto / Shutterstock