Don’t Say Bojio: $38 Spa-cation with 3 Meals (2 Free-flow), Sauna, Movies & More Back in April 2019

If you’ve downloaded our app and come in daily, you’d know about this goody deal that comes every now and then.

And no, we’re not talking about Starbucks 1-for-1 drinks, because that’s a deal that comes way too often.

We’re talking about a staycation that’s only $38 per pax, with buffet, steam room, sauna and many other recreational activities for you in a night…except sleeping, because only an outcast would sleep during a staycation.

$38 Staycation For That Perfect Weekday Recharge

Lest you’re not aware, is a 24-hour spa and relaxation centre that has facilities and services for people to relax. Think of it as a protein shake for the mind: a place for your mind to relax after a grueling day at work.

At 24,000 sqft that cost $3.5 million to renovate, it has two levels and is located in the middle of Singapore (you can argue it’s slightly to the east of Singapore but hey, it’s my article).

And for this deal, you can enjoy these facilities for $38:


Image: Facebook ( Singapore)

Water prices are expensive, so save some money by showering there (okay, I just don’t know what to write here).

Relax & Chill

The ladies would get to enjoy a hot pool or be a steam room…

Image: Facebook ( Singapore)

…while the guys have an option of a hot pool, a cold pool, a sauna or be in a steam room.

Image: Facebook ( Singapore)

Free-flow Supper

Image: Facebook ( Singapore)

Ah, the first buffet of the day.

Chill & Lights Off

Image: Facebook ( Singapore)

This is when you get to do anything you want. It could well be the meat of the entire event.


Image: Facebook ( Singapore)

Looks yummy, doesn’t it?

Surf & Read

Image: Facebook ( Singapore)

I don’t know what this is, but hey: it’s what’s coming up next that’s important.

Free-flow Lunch

Image: Facebook ( Singapore)

Need I say more?

Throughout the entire night (or morning, whatever you want to call it), light snacks would be available. But honestly I won’t makan them because I’ll be there for the buffets.

If you somehow want to sleep instead (not sure why you’ll do that), there are reclining sofa beds for your appointment with the Z monster.

Details of $38 Deal

Promotion Period: Now until 29 April 2019, Sundays to Thursday only (18 and 30 April are blocked off ‘coz they are PH Eves)

Timing: 11:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.

Cost: $38 ($40.66 with GST)

Location: Fitness and Recreation Hub
102 Guillemard Road, #02-02 Singapore 399719

Now, what if you really like the place and would like to go there on a weekend? Here’s the good news:

Image: Facebook ( Singapore)

A rather good deal, I might add.

For more information, you can post your questions in this post or message their Facebook Page directly: