Man Who Dried Raw Pork in Corridor Apologised to Malay Neighbours & Even Bought Snacks for Them


A Wise Old Man once said: “You make mistakes. Mistakes don’t make you.”

And though he can be exceedingly eccentric at times, his words ring true in this case.

Mistakes don’t make you.

And drying a raw piece of pork in the corridor certainly does not serve to define who you are.

It All Started With A Raw Piece Of Pork

On Sunday (15 November), a Netizen wrote in a post to the Complaint Singapore Facebook group, entailing a neighbour’s quirks that her parents have had to contend with.

According to the post, the man would place pots of plants in the middle of the corridor walkway, and even situated a raw piece of pork on the handrail outside his unit.

Apparently, the piece of pork was there from Thursday (12 November), during which it purportedly dripped blood and oil to the unit below.

It has since been removed.

According to Zaobaothe neighbour in question happens to be a 53-year-old Li Da Wei, who operates as a part-time karang guni.

Apparently, he was not drying the slice of raw meat as media outlets have previously speculated. Instead, the meat was purportedly laid outside for the crows to feed on.

However, he failed to realise the exact consequences of his act…

A notion that he has since attempted to make up for.

Man Who Dried Raw Pork in Corridor Apologised to Neighbours & Even Bought Snacks for Them

According to ZaobaoLi has apologised to his neighbour, a 65-year-old Malay uncle who resides in the unit below his.

Apparently, he realised his mistake after the news came out, and blamed himself for causing inconvenience to the Malay family downstairs.

To express his apology, he reportedly bought snacks and visited the afflicted family to apologise.

“That’s my fault, so I have to admit that I did something wrong. But he didn’t accept it three times when I brought snacks.”


This was a notion concurred by the Malay uncle himself.

According to the 65-year-old, who works as a zoo employee, Li personally came to apologise to him three times over the past two weeks.

Around two weeks ago, the 65-year-old reportedly found two packs of snacks and a note waiting for him at the door when he returned home at night.

“Dawei left a handwritten note saying he wanted to apologize to me,” he said. “And he came back to explain to me the next day. A few days ago, he brought snacks and asked me to accept it, but I refused his kindness.”

Even though he did not accept the snacks, the 65-year-old stated that he has already accepted Li’s apology.


“It’s probably because he didn’t think about what he did that day, but who doesn’t make mistakes? Just apologize and don’t have to spend money to buy things.”

Featured Image: Facebook (Complaint Singapore)