Drinking Green Tea Immediately After a Meal Will Affect Your Digestion

Last Updated on 2021-01-04 , 11:39 am

If you have the habit of drinking a cup of green tea immediately after having your meal, you might just want to read this.

Green tea has become a staple drink for many, containing antioxidants, helping to burn more calories and even having anti-aging properties. For some people, it has become a perfect substitute for coffee, for it also contains caffeine, the ingredient that can turn a zombie into a human in the morning.

And just so you know, the benefits of green tea are way beyond just antioxidants.  Here are some facts derived from various studies (not just one hor!) to show you the other benefits:

  • It improves your blood flow and lower cholesterol
  • It prevents a range of health-related issues, from high-blood pressure to congestive heart failure
  • It improves your memory
  • It lowers the risk of some types of cancer
  • It blocks the formation of plaques that are linked to Alzheimer’s disease
  • It keeps blood sugar stable in people with diabetes
  • It even helps to reduce bad breath!

However, do you know that know that it’s not advisable to drink green tea on an empty stomach?

The green tea tannins could increase the stomach acid in your body, leading to a stomach-ache, a nauseous feeling, or even constipation.

Bet some of you didn’t know that, eh?

So, it’s a safe bet to drink it after meal, right?

Yes and no.

You see, drinking green tea immediately after a meal would affect your digestion, as it is commonly known to block the absorption of nutrients, like protein, fat or iron.

The tannins and caffeine sort of become an obstruction to the normal digestion cycle. In other words, whatever good nutrients you have consumed might just disappear out of nowhere.

In addition to that, your gastric juice will be diluted, which could potentially result in further improper digestion.

Having said that, when is the best time to drink green tea then?

The best time would be about 45 minutes after a meal. Not only would you absorb all the nutrients effectively, you’ll also have a dose of caffeine to counter your food coma.

Killing two birds with one stone!

Or just about any time without an empty stomach – which means drinking it before breakfast isn’t advisable. Instead, have it when you’ve makan-ed your breakfast and have reached the office.

Featured Image: taa22 / Shutterstock.com