Driving School Instructor in S’pore Allegedly Questioned Student’s Nationality & Insulted His Mom


Driving lessons are, in a sense, distressing enough. After all, you have to deal with numerous ‘roadblocks’ while a stern, eagle-eyed ‘mentor’ sits beside you in an observational stance.

Truly, it’s a slow learner’s worst nightmare.

But here’s the thing. While the aforementioned notion is no doubt terrible, it is not the worst. No. Rather, the situation gets significantly more dire when you have to deal with numerous roadblocks…

While a stern, eagle-eyed, suggestively racist and condescending ‘mentor’ sits beside you in an observational stance.

Image: Giphy

Oh, and the ‘mentor’ in question makes non-subtle ‘yo momma’ jokes too.

Image: Giphy

Truly, it’s really a slow learner’s worst nightmare.

Driving School Instructor in S’pore Allegedly Questioned Student’s Nationality & Insulted His Mom

According to MustShareNewsa Singaporean was taking driving lessons when he encountered a rather displeasing instructor…

Who not only questioned his nationality but also made insulting remarks about his mother.

The bad experience was shared on Reddit, where it has since garnered over 2.6K upvotes.

In the post, the student, who speaks Mandarin and describes himself as tan-skinned and of Burmese descent, wrote his encounter in detail and alleged that the instructor’s behaviour was urged on by racism.

Image: Reddit

He also claimed that he was asked to go onto the road immediately, despite having no prior driving experience.

Foreign License Conversion Course

Apparently, upon learning that he was of Burmese heritage, the instructor assumed that he was there for a foreign license conversion course.

The student tried to clarify that he was a new learner, but the instructor persisted in directing him to drive onto the road, together with routine traffic.

When the student showed difficulties in carrying out the task, the instructor allegedly said that “Burmese drivers are terrible”.

Additionally, the instructor seemed to express doubt when the student professed to have been born and bred in Singapore. In fact, the suspicion ran so deep that the older man purportedly stopped the driving lesson, just to verify the student’s pink identification card.

This is despite the notion that the student’s identity has already been verified by the driving school.


Still unconvinced, the instructor began to “test” the younger man after the lesson, with questions pertaining to National Service.

And to make it worse (incredibly), the instructor allegedly made insulting remarks about the student’s mother.

When informed that the student’s mother was Burmese, the instructor assumed that she was a mail-order bride and asked:

“How much did your dad pay when buying your mum?”

Image: Giphy

This man’s insensitivity meter is off the charts, my friend.


Payment Of $54 For Missing Lesson, And Due Compensation

Suffice to say; the student had enough.

But the world, it seems, doesn’t always work the way you want it to be.

After the less-than-pleasant experience, the student alleged that he tried to change the instructor.

The request, however, was not followed up, and he ended up rescheduling the lesson to another day.

He was subsequently charged $54 for missing a lesson.

Image: Giphy

Well, that must have left a real bitter taste in his mouth.


Thankfully, however, Soon Tien Driving School has since made an apology.

Apparently, the instructor was a freelance private driving instructor who comes in only when there’s high demand.

The school’s owner has also reportedly cautioned him about his behaviour several times before.

Admitting that the instructor was at fault, the school offered to make amends, with the provision of two complimentary lessons.

They also expressed a willingness to refund the student’s lesson fees if he wishes.



According to the Reddit post, Soon Tien’s Facebook reviews are generally poor in nature.

A Netizen also mentioned the instructor’s name in the thread, and the poster acknowledged the thought.

“Someone mentioned the instructors’ name and yes it was him,” he said.

Well, it looks like the instruction has earned a rather ‘famous’ reputation alright.

Thankfully, however, the poster has since gotten another instructor named Pang, whom he describes as “much much better”. Which is a definite boon, considering how in the end…

Driving lessons are not cheap at all.

With that said, we hope that you guys will be able to avoid such instructors in the future. While it’s one thing to reprimand in the appropriate situation…

It’s quite another to behave like a total ****.


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Inconsiderate devotees.