Prices of M’sia Durians will Spike Due to a Massive Drop in Supply

Ah, durians—whether you love them or hate them, there’s no denying they’re an iconic symbol in Singapore. Even the Esplanade, one of Singapore’s favourite landmarks, is affectionately dubbed the Durian by locals.

Unfortunately, the Johor floods bring bad news for durian lovers. Because of the inclement weather, durian prices are expected to rise for the upcoming season in May.

Here’s all you need to know.

Price Increase of 50%

Malaysia has been suffering from torrential rains in several states, resulting in severe floods, mainly in Johor. 

The situation in Johor required the evacuation of more than 44,800 people as of 5 March. This has been the record-highest rainfall in four days since 1991. 

Because of this, the supply of durians might potentially be reduced by half, causing price increases for some exported varieties to Singapore and China, the latter of which just opened up its market to receive imported durians again this year.

Vice-president of the Malaysian Fruit Farmers Association and farm owner Francis Hong predicts that popular durian varieties like the Mao Shan Wang, Red Prawn and Black Thorn will likely be more expensive when the durian season arrives. 

Other farmers seem to agree with this— Kampung Tengah durian plantation owner Mad Zin Abdullah said that Mao Shan Wang durians would probably cost around 50% more this year, from RM 40-45 (SGD 12-13) to RM 60-65 (SGD 18-19). 

Supply disruptions due to the floods have increased prices, especially for Malaysian durians. 

“We don’t want to price durians excessively high, just at a reasonable amount in line with the market,” said Mr Mad Zin.

Why The Impact on Supply?

Usually, the peak durian season in Malaysia occurs from May to August.

The heavy rains and flooding happened during a crucial period of the harvesting process, causing disruption to the harvest, especially for farms located in Segamat, Batu Pahat, and Muar. 

According to Mr Hong, they are predicting that the lack of sunlight and floodwater damage will result in a 50% drop in durian supply.

According to durian consultant (yes, that is a real job) Lim Chin Kee, the impact of the floods on Johor’s durian supply was unavoidable. 

The rain and floods might result in the roots of durian trees rotting and cause seedlings to wither and die. 

“Overall, harvest is significantly impacted,” he said. 

On Mr Mad Zin’s farm, the floods destroyed his wooden home, a few vehicles, and around half his trees. However, he was grateful at least a few trees were left intact. 

How Bad Were the Floods?

The rainfall in Johor hit a record high, surpassing monthly rainfall records in other historic wet seasons like December 2006 and December 1991. 

At the Air Panas station in the town of Segamat, 731mm of rainfall was recorded from 28 February to 3 March. This is higher than 1991’s 621 mm a month and 2006’s 599 mm. 

For reference, the average monthly rainfall in Johor is around 195 mm. 

The floodwaters have resulted in six casualties as of 7 March, and more than 50,000 were displaced from their homes at its peak.

Experts have dubbed the rainfall levels unusual, saying that it might be a result of climate change.