M’sian Shares Recipe On How to Turn Durian Seeds into Edible Chips

Last Updated on 2024-05-04 , 12:30 pm

If you were born in Southeast Asia, you’re legally obliged to like durian.

Called the King of Fruits, the gloriously pungent and creamy fruit is enjoyed by people from all walks of life.

While there’s nothing better than tucking into a ripe durian, we have to admit that we all wish there was a little more flesh around the seeds.

Within a couple of bites, all that delectable pulp is in your stomach, and all you’re left with are some stinky seeds.

Typically, we’d throw these seeds away, but it seems that we’ve been doing the wrong thing our whole lives.

M’sian Shares Recipe On How to Turn Durian Seeds into Edible Chips

A Malaysian’s durian recipe has gone viral on Facebook for its rather unique ingredients and preparation method.

The recipe, believe it or not, involves only the seed.

In her post, Facebook user Rozana Hashim urged netizens not to throw away their durian seeds, as they can be turned into tasty chips.

Here’s how she did it.

The first step is also the most enjoyable: eat your durian and enjoy the orgasmic mouth pleasure.

Editor: Please don’t use the phrase “mouth pleasure” ever again

Once you’re left with all the seeds, clean it thoroughly and soak it in saltwater overnight. You could also peel the brown skin off the seed, but this is optional.

Image: Facebook (Rozana Hashim AsSalihin)

The next day, once they’ve soaked through the night, slice those seeds up nice and good.

Image: Facebook (Rozana Hashim AsSalihin)

Leave them for an hour or two, then fry them in a healthy amount of oil and over a low flame until they turn crispy and brown.

This might take some time, and you’ll have to keep stirring throughout.

Image: Facebook (Rozana Hashim AsSalihin)

Once they’re light and crispy, you can take them out and serve them to your friends and family.

Image: Facebook (Rozana Hashim AsSalihin)

Some netizens said they loved the recipe and that the seeds had a savoury taste.

Rozana’s post has garnered over 11,000 likes and has been shared more than 12,000 times at the time of writing.

Wait, Durian Seeds are Edible?

Imagine if someone told you that iPhone covers were edible. You’d think your whole life’s a lie, right?

Well, that’s how some netizens must have felt when they discovered that durian seeds can be eaten.

According to Healthline, you can indeed eat durian seeds, but they must be cooked first.

This is because raw seeds contain cyclopropene fatty acids, which can be unsafe for humans.

So, if you really want to get your money’s worth, and generally enjoy chips, go ahead and fry those stinky durian seeds instead of throwing them away.

Who knows? They might even be tastier than the fruit itself.