Man Fell Asleep With Wireless Earbuds Only to Wake Up With 1 of Them In His Stomach


Falling asleep with our earpieces on is likely an experience many of us wouldn’t think twice about. However, have you ever considered the dangers of this seemingly harmless act?

On 7 April 2023, a man in China appears to have been so engrossed in absorbing his music that he did it.


According to 8world, the man fell asleep with his Bluetooth connected earpieces in his ears. However, upon waking up, he discovered that one of the earbuds was missing. 

Confused, he blasted the music in an attempt to recover the missing earpiece, only to find that the sound was coming from his abdominal area.

He had somehow managed to swallow the device in his sleep.

Now the Question in Everyone’s Mind: What Happened?

“I have no idea how I managed to eat it, it’s causing my abdomen muscles to shake when I play music,” he had said.

Perhaps he felt slightly peckish during his snooze, or that he was experiencing parasomnia. However, unless he has surveillance cameras in his house, I guess we’ll never know. 

In a post published by Weibo, he filmed his bizarre experience:

“It’s 4am in the morning and I’m at the hospital

“All the doctors were flabbergasted, they didn’t know what to do.

“Allow me to play some music, and everyone will understand what happened.”

He then brought the camera down to his abdomen region, where loud music was emitted. 

This was accompanied with the caption: “Have you ever seen a singing stomach before? Listen carefully!”

Following this, an X-ray of his abdomen was shown.


According to reports, the man has been prescribed laxatives in hopes of flushing the earpiece out. Should this fail, the hospital would have to perform an operation in order to remove this device.


Interestingly enough, this isn’t the first incidence of someone consuming something completely preposterous. Let’s take a look at a situation where a…

Man Swallowed a Nokia phone

Yes, you read that right. An entire Nokia 3310

It seems that the Nokia Brick has finally met its match.

This news understandably made headlines in September 2021 on Breezyscroll. In Kosovo, located in the Balkans region of Europe, doctors had to help a man remove a phone which was ‘too large for him to digest’ from his stomach.

However, the man did not disclose why he committed the deed, leaving us yet again to rely on speculation to deduce why he might have done such an act.


Dr Skender Telaku was assigned the herculean task of safely removing the device. 

Upon reviewing the X-Ray scan and endoscopic images, Dr Telaku realised that the device had split into three separate pieces.

Image: NewsFlash

Thankfully, the two-hour procedure progressed smoothly, and the device was removed from the man’s stomach. 

The Dangers of Consuming Devices 

Despite the situation appearing comedic, ingesting a device is no laughing matter.

Apart from the obvious risks of choking, if the device is too big, there is a possibility of it being lodged in the gastrointestinal system. Additionally, technology may be produced with corrosive batteries, which contains toxic chemicals that are lethal to humans. 

Imagine a child swallowing a battery. The saliva produced by the body would in fact complete the battery’s circuit, which may lead to the battery burning through the oesophagus in a few hours. 


If that’s not terrifying enough, there is a possibility of the battery exploding while in your gastrointestinal system. Which, I probably need not add, is not a good thing.

And don’t even try to think of ingenious ideas like biting or grinding up your phone, cause either way, it likely wouldn’t end well. 

Your devices have the potential to be extremely toxic if ingested by a human. So just don’t.

Remember everyone, even though it’s called Apple, you’re not supposed to eat it.