Elderly in S’pore Can Start COVID-19 Vaccinations from End-Jan, Earlier Than What Was Planned

Previously, it was announced that the elderly in Singapore aged 70 and above will start receiving vaccination jabs from February 2021.

Well, the timetable has been accelerated.

Elderly in S’pore Can Start COVID-19 Vaccinations from End of Jan, Earlier Than What Was Planned

On 13 Jan 2021, Education Minister and co-chair of Singapore’s Covid-19 multi-ministry task force Lawrence Wong revealed the shift in the vaccination timetable.

Instead of Feb 2021, the elderly in Singapore can start getting their jabs from later this month.

“Towards the end of the month, we will begin the programme for the elderly, where we will invite them to come to the nearest polyclinic, Public Health Preparedness Clinic (PHPC) or vaccination centre on a booking system.”

Elderly To Get Help Receiving Vaccinations

So how exactly will the elderly go about it?

According to Mr Wong, the elderly will be invited to the nearest polyclinic, Public Health Preparedness Clinic or a vaccination centre to get their jab.

Before they can do so, however, they’ll have to make a booking on the booking system.

Letters will be sent out to them telling them when they can start making their booking.

Because it’s online, volunteers will also be trained and deployed to help the elderly make their bookings.

Letters in different languages will also be disseminated among the HDB estates.

Expect Things To Be Faster

After the elderly in Singapore has taken their vaccination jabs, the vaccine will gradually be rolled out to the rest of the population.

The different phases are timed together with the arrival of the shipments of the vaccines to Singapore.

With that said, Mr Wong advised, expects things to “ramp up from now onwards”.

He added that everyone who is offered a chance to be vaccinated should take it up.

Previously, an infectious diseases expert in Singapore said that, with the detection of B117, the more infectious Covid-19 variant here, more people will have to be vaccinated to achieve herd immunity.

From the original 80%, it has increased to 90%.

Minister: More Tests & Additional Requirements Likely for People Who Don’t Take COVID-19 Vaccine

Other than making sure that you will keep your family members and friends safe, Minister Wong said that people who are vaccinated are likely to enjoy more tangible benefits.

This includes not having to serve SHN, or serving a shorter period of SHN, when travelling, and not having to go for additional Covid-19 swab tests.

It was also revealed that Singapore currently has its “bet” on three Covid-19 vaccines, and they will add more to their vaccine portfolio to address subgroups of the population here.

You can read more about that here.

Feature Image: Miriam Doerr Martin Frommherz / Shutterstock.com