Everything About the Joo Koon to Tuas Link Suspension in 60 Sec

Do you guys have a WhatsApp group chat dedicated to old classmates? You know, secondary classmates and all.

If your answer is yes, well, then you know how bad the spams can get. (100+ unread messages in one hour, anyone?)

I woke up this morning to a buzzing phone. I honestly thought there was a housefly beside my ear or something. (Note to self: take out the trash)

Curious as I am, I took a look at my phone and noticed close to 300 messages!

C’mon guys! It’s like, 6:30 a.m.! So I sat on my bed, half awake, to see what the fuss was about. Maybe Darren kena hammered at a bar again or something.

It was then that I read about the suspension of MRT service between Joo Koon and Tuas Link.

Yikes. No wonder my friend was furious. (Fella works at Tuas area)

Image: Straitstimes.com

Apparently, due to the hoo-ha on 15 Nov, where a MRT train “moved forward unexpectedly” because of a glitch in the signalling system, such interim safety precautions were required.

As such, there will be no train services between Joo Koon and Tuas Link until Monday (20 Nov), and there will be no train service between Joo Koon and Gul Circle for up to a month.

Nah, have a look at this image LTA posted for a better idea.

Image: LTA Facebook

Despite the inconvenience caused (and my constantly vibrating phone), I actually thought this might not be such a bad thing after all.

Okay, before you throw your ez-link card at my face, lemme explain myself.

Image: memegenerator.net

Considering how the incident resulted in 36 people being injured, it might not be a bad thing just to be safe than sorry. I would rather reach home half an hour later than to spend a day in the hospital. (Unless you’re one of those Chao Keng kias)

Come on lah, guys. For such issues to be fixed, people also need some time right?

Whatever the case, I still think the disruption is way better than seeing another 30+ people being injured lor.

Since you’re here, why not watch a video about an NTU student who went all out to impress his crush, only to end up in…tragedy? Here, watch it and do remember to share it (and also subscribe to Goody Feed YouTube channel)!

This article was first published on goodyfeed.com

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Featured Image: straitstimes.com