Everything About the Mob That Suddenly Attacked Protestors & Passengers in an MTR Station

Hong Kong might’ve been flooded with a really sticky situation in recent times, but back then one thing’s clear:

It was the government vs protestors. Two camps. Clear cut.

Image: Vox

However, it seems that just like Kim Kardashian’s ass, the plot’s thickening. Just today (22 July), at least 36 people were injured in unprecedented late-night violence at a Hong Kong railway station on Sunday, where a rampaging mob of men in white T-shirts attacked black-clad protestors and passengers indiscriminately.

Image: Video Screengrab

Now I don’t know about you but to me…

That’s like every train commuter’s worst nightmare.

Everything About the Mob That Suddenly Attacked Protestors & Passengers in an MTR Station

According to AsiaOne, dozens of men, who witnesses believed to be triad gangsters, forced open closed entrances at around midnight and stormed into Yuen Long MTR station.

They then threw objects at protestors and travellers alike and reportedly assaulted members of the public, including journalists.

Image: South China Morning Post

By 2:30 a.m., at least 36 people had been sent to one of three nearby hospitals, or had sought treatment there themselves.

Live video clips of the incident have since been released on several social media sites.

Just after midnight, the government had released a statement:

“[I]n Yuen Long, some people congregated at the platforms of the MTR station and train compartments, attacking commuters. It led to confrontations and injuries.”

It continued: “This is absolutely unacceptable to Hong Kong as a society that observes the rule of law. The [government] strongly condemns any violence and will seriously take enforcement actions.”

Police officers reportedly arrived at the station by 11:15 p.m., but the mob was gone by then. Instead, dozens of angry residents and protestors swarmed the cops.

“Where have you been? You are supposed to protect us!” they shouted, venting their frustration with curse words.

No action was taken

At around 1:00 a.m., as many as 100 riot police arrived at Nam Pin Wai village, where most of the men garbed in white shirts had gathered.

However, after blocking off entrances to the village for more than three hours, the police reportedly only questioned several of the white-clad men, and even then it was brief. No one was arrested, though some steel bars were taken away.

In an early morning press conference, police officials claimed that they didn’t see any steel rods in the village, and didn’t notice anything illegal.

“We have not made any arrests because we can’t be sure of those involved,” said Yau Nai-keung, assistant commander of Yuen Long District. “Even those dressed in white, that doesn’t mean they are involved in the brawl. We will handle each case fairly – no matter the political camp [a suspect] belongs to.”

Further protests

Following the violence that broke out in the MTR station, several groups have spoken out.

Press watchdog groups, for one, strongly condemned the assault of two journalists at Yuen Long station.

“We urgently appeal to the police to perform their duty and protect the people and journalists,” said a joint statement by the Hong Kong Journalists Association, the Press Photographers Association and Independent Commentators Association.

MTR Corp was also insistent on its stand.

“MTR Corporation strongly condemns the violence that occurred on railway premises last night. We will fully co-operate with the law enforcement authorities on the investigation,” said Jacob Kam Chak-pui, MTR Corp’s chief executive officer, in a statement.

Image: South China Morning Post

Wait… what now?

Well, should there be any update, we’ll make sure to update this article. Until then, however…

Stay safe…

And avoid Hong Kong for now.

Even if the dim sum there’s to die for.

Hais, but I guess that’s priorities for you.