Everything About The Tearing Down Of The Iconic Merlion In Sentosa In 60 Sec

If you’ve been to Sentosa, you’d know about the “fierce” Merlion in Sentosa.

Image: TK Kurikawa / Shutterstock.com

For some reason, even when Sentosa is a popular tourist spot, tourists like to gather at Merlion Park (near One Fullerton) to take images of themselves drinking the Merlion’s “vomit”.

Image: Palo_ok / Shutterstock.com

Even when the one in Merlion Park is merely 8.6m tall while the one in Sentosa stands at a whopping 37m.

But here’s the thing: if you’re a tourist who thinks that size matters and would rather visit the one in Sentosa, you might need to replan your itinerary.

Because the one in Sentosa is going to be gone soon.

How soon, you ask.

Very soon. As soon as next month.

But why, you ask again. Is it because it’s too fierce?


Making Way for a Bigger Attraction

If you’ve watched this year’s National Day Rally, you’d know that the southern islands of Singapore are going to be “remade” into what’s known as the “Greater Southern Waterfront”, also called GWS.

This comprises of the development of Sentosa and Paula Brani, and kind of combining them into an attraction that’ll be much more expensive interesting.

The entire construction will take up to 30 years, so you probably would be bringing your grandkids there instead. The first milestone project is a high-tech link between the two islands, which comprises of a 30,000sqm multi-sensory walkway, and that’ll start construction in the fourth quarter of this year.

And that’s why the angry Merlion is angrier now: those new plans mean that the Merlion will have to make way for this IG-worthy walkway.

But in order to justify their actions this decision makes sense to them: Sentosa Development Corporation (SDC) shows how goody the new attractions would look:

Image: Sentosa Development Corporation
Image: Sentosa Development Corporation
Image: Sentosa Development Corporation
Image: Sentosa Development Corporation
Image: Sentosa Development Corporation

Yeah, who needs the angry Merlion and those memories, right?

Would The Merlion Be Relocated To Yishun?

For a start, it’s going to be a pain in the butt to transport the 37m Merlion even to Palawan Beach, so the answer’s no: according to SDC, there are no plans to relocate it, but they’re looking at ways to commemorate it.

Also, a new icon would be used to replace the Merlion. It has not been revealed what it is yet; perhaps a statue of Steven Lim or Kurt Tay or anything who knows.

You Can Actually be “Eaten-ed” into the Merlion

I bet most of you didn’t know this: are you aware that the angry Merlion isn’t just a concrete statue? You can actually walk right into its body and look out from its mouth. But of course, you’d have to pay $15 if you’re a local adult or $12.50 if you’re a local child.

Foreigners pay $18 or $15 just to be eaten-ed by the Merlion.

But if you’ve not been there before, or just want to experience it before it turns into ashes, here’s the goody news: from now until 20 October 2019, which is also the last day of its operation, there’s a 50% discount.

Think of it as a…closing down sale lah.

To encourage Singapore residents to relive their nostalgia and experience the Sentosa Merlion before it closes, Singaporeans and Permanent Residents will enjoy admission to the Sentosa Merlion at half the price and local seniors aged 60 and above will get free entry to the Sentosa Merlion by simply flashing their NRIC at the entrance.

With the 50% promotion, adults only need to pay $7.50 (UP $15/adult), while children aged four to 12 years enjoy entry at just $6.20 (UP $12.50/child). Children below three years old enter for free.

This offer is only available through advance purchase on One Faber Group’s online store at http://1fabergroup.com/merlionlocal.

During its last month of operations, guests visiting the Sentosa Merlion can also look forward to a series of fun-filled activities and programmes at the precinct.

These include a special edition of the Sentosa Merlion Magic Lights – a dazzling video, lights and sound show, as well as interactive games, “Instagrammable” photo points and more.

The Sentosa Merlion Magic Lights show will take place four times nightly at 7.45pm, 8.20pm, 8.55pm and 9.30pm at Merlion Plaza, with the other activities on from 10am to 10pm throughout the month.

So if you don’t know where to go this weekend, you have a plan liao.