Everything About The E-Scooter Controversies Recently in 60 Secs

E-scooters (electronic scooter) or Personal Mobility Devices (PMD) is the talk of the town. Walk around the CBD area and you’ll see plenty of people cruising on their e-scooters after work.

In fact, it’s getting even more popular now.

So this raises the questions: Should they be allowed, should the regulations be changed, should they be held accountable for accidents, will people use them responsibly?

Just when we were getting over the issue about bicycles on the pavements and roads, another two-wheeled (or more) issue popped up again.

What’s the harm?

So, one camp came out and said: What’s the harm? Bicycles are allowed on the roads and they’ve been more of an issue than electric scooters?

You see them on the roads, the pavements, under your void decks, locked outside your neighbour’s house-well, you get what I mean.

E-Scooter controversies

Housewife in ICU after getting hit by e-scooter

On 17 September 2016, Mdm Ang Liu Kiow was on her way to shop for groceries when she met with an accident with a 17-year-old teen and his e-scooter.

According to reports, her bicycle was locked up at the bicycle rack below Block 541 Pasir Ris Street 51. It was suspected that the e-scooter crashed into her while she was on her way to the bus stop.

She was awake after the accident but lost consciousness on the way to Changi General Hospital. She underwent two operations, one to remove the blood clot in her brain and another to drain out the accumulated brain fluid.

A 17-year-old boy was arrested on suspicion of causing grievous hurt.

E-scooter bangs into uncle, threatened him and flees immediately

On 27 August 2016, an uncle was left with injuries after a hit-and-run incident with an aggressive e-scooter uncle.

After hitting the uncle, he stopped and pushed the uncle and threatened to beat him up before going away.

Man on E-Scooter Races Against Bus, Travelling Over 70kph

On 22 September 2016, a video of a man riding an e-scooter speeding along Mandai Road and overtook a bus was uploaded on Stomp.

The stomper praised the man for riding so fast he overtook his car which was travelling at 70kph.

Watch the video below:

Remember, speed kills and it doesn’t just apply to drivers.

Featured Image: Facebook (Roads.sg)

This article was first published on goodyfeed.com