NTUC FairPrice Celebrates Deepavali By Donating 100 Hampers To Needy Families

In our recent spree of Baddy Feed news like haze, more PMD shit, and molesters, it is sometimes easy to ignore and forget about the good parts of the world.

Things like organisations actually helping a little by giving stuff to the needy.

It’s just a PR move! It’s not really helping them! The back of my mind says.

And then I realise I could be doing more myself…

This is me. It might remind you of someone. / Image: Reddit (r/dankmemes)

Am I considered part of the needy if being poor was all my own doing? I guess I shouldn’t be criticising other people.

But anyway, NTUC decided to take action instead of discussing the right and wrong of things.

NTUC FairPrice Donates Hampers For Deepavali

According to a press release, NTUC FairPrice is to donate 100 hampers through its charity arm FairPrice Foundation to the Singapore Indian Development Association (SINDA) to provide daily necessities to needy families.

Which makes a lot of sense, since NTUC FairPrice sells daily necessities.

(If you look to Goody Feed and ask us to donate, we’ll probably give a shifty look and ask “We… we don’t have much. How… how about this leftover bottle of Jack Daniels Coke…?” Yeah, we’re not living the dream here. We also have a block of cheese in our fridge that I suspect was just forgotten milk.)

This was actually announced at an event held at FairPrice at Bedok North Avenue.

Each hamper will have things like rice, oil and noodles to help alleviate the cost of living for low-income families.

But Goody Feed, I thought last time you say don’t anyhow donate or else got like this Uncle collect enough soy sauce to set up shop!

In reply to that, I can only say I also don’t know what’s exactly inside, but since SINDA is working with them, I’m sure the hamper will actually be of use!

Image: DeviantArt (avid)

NTUC FairPrice Stores Dressing Up From 26 Sep to 6 Nov… And Discounts

In case you missed the “for Deepavali” part, they’re doing that to “spread the festive cheer”.

For the cheapos who count how many grams of red bean is in their red bean bao, there will also be…

Wait for it…

Special discounts for festival-related products.

Image: Giphy

And if that’s not enough, a “Deepavali Festive Draw” will be held where customers get a chance to win $50,000 worth of FairPrice gift cards.

If you spend a minimum of S$30, you’ll also receive Deepavali festive packets.

As they say, the best way to cure the sickness of poverty is money.

Image: Giphy

Roving Exhibition For Deepavali

I remind you again, that this is about Deepavali and not the random giveaways around it.

NTUC FairPrice partnered with National Heritage Board for a roving exhibition that starts at the FairPrice at Bedok North Avenue 1. This exhibition will share the rich heritage and ritual behind Deepavali, so you can know more about the festival of lights.

Simi is festival of li- Ohh that’s Deepavali.

The exhibition will also highlight other key festivals celebrated by the Indian community like Thaipusam, Onam, and Holi.