Families Can Stay Together in Same Hotel Room for Staycations, But Must Only Leave Room in Twos

Community infections are rising, residents are panic buying, and the authorities have tightened COVID-19 measures, so you know what that means: it’s the perfect time for staycations!

Wait, what?

While most of us have resigned ourselves to staring at our walls for the next few weeks or so, some people think it’s the perfect time for a little getaway from the stresses of life under a pandemic.

Reader: But how can more than two residents stay together in a room with these new restrictions?

Good question, dear reader. I’m glad you asked.

You see, contrary to what we believed, families can stay in the same hotel room for a staycation, but only if they follow certain rules.

Families Can Stay Together in Same Hotel Room for Staycations, But Must Only Leave Room in Twos

Now, before you start booking several rooms for your entire extended family, you should know that only family members who have the same address on their identity cards can stay in the same room.

Besides that, no more than two people can gather on any given day in a hotel room or in rooms connected by an adjoining door, the Singapore Tourism Board (STB) told TODAYonline.

And even if you’re staying in a room with family members whom you live with, you’ll have to split into groups of two when leaving the room.

This is so you’ll keep in accordance with the current guidelines on social gatherings, which only permits up to two people.

As for why staycations are allowed in the first place, STB explained that folks on staycation will not be interacting with members of the public during their stay.

Refunds Granted, But Most Couples Have Gone Ahead With Staycation Plans

When the tighter measures of “Phase 2 (Heightened Alert)” were announced, STB said that guests who made hotel bookings between 16 May and 13 June may change their booking dates or ask for a refund (subject to terms and conditions).

Those who used their SingapoRediscovers Vouchers for such hotel bookings will be granted  refund.

While many family bookings have been postponed to later in the year after the measures were announced, most couples have decided to go ahead with their staycations.

They will be subject to the same rules as members of the public when outside their rooms, however.

Dining in at hotel restaurants, for instance, will not be permitted, and staycation guests will have to take away their food or have it delivered to their rooms.

Spas and gyms will also remain closed till 13 June.

Feature Image: Kanyapak Lim/ Shutterstock.com