Man Who Was Caught Having Sex With A Masseuse During Phase 1 Fined S$2,000


Ah, the good old memories of Phase 1. Can you believe that was only about nine months ago?

It somehow feels like a lifetime ago.

The outside world was something we all longed for while we were stuck at home unable to meet our friends and relatives for a meal, to go to karaoke, or do just about anything together.

And especially not to engage in hanky panky, like this man did.

Fined For Meeting Someone In Public

51-year-old Chinese national Ma Changjin was fined for leaving his home just two weeks after the Circuit Breaker restrictions were lifted last June.

Was he going to somewhere he needed to be, or to get essentials?

Nope, the man instead engaged a masseuse to have sex.

After pleading guilty to a count of meeting someone in public not from his household, Mr Ma was fined S$2,000 on 9 March.

Failing to wear a mask and one other charge under the COVID-19 (Temporary Measures) Act was also taken into consideration for his sentence.

Lest you’ve already forgotten, what with us slowly returning to normal life in Phase 3, no one was allowed to meet up in public with someone not from their household back in Phase 1, when Mr Ma’s offence was committed.

People also couldn’t dine-in at restaurants, much less engage in non-essential activities which saw the closure of sports, recreation and outdoor facilities.

Police Walked In On Them

Mr Ma had made an appointment on 13 June 2020 at a massage parlour in People’s Park Centre to meet 52-year-old Singapore permanent resident (PR) Zhang Shaohui there.

Deputy Public Prosecutor (DPP) Jason Chua told the court that Ma wanted to have a “massage and sexual intercourse for an undisclosed sum.”

The pair chatted for a while once Mr Ma arrived at the shop, before Ms Zhang proceeded to rub oil on his belly, which escalated into them having sex for about 15 minutes without masks on.

Unfortunately for them, some police officers were making their inspection rounds and came across the pair.

They’ve probably walked in on worse, though.


DPP Chua requested for the fine imposed of S$2,000, but Mr Ma’s lawyer Arthur Quay pleaded otherwise, saying that Mr Ma had a family to support back in China.

Yes, the man was married.

Mr Quay also said that Mr Ma had learnt his lesson and remained crime-free in his 10 years of living in Singapore.

He could have been fined up to $10,000, jailed up to six months or faced both for breaking COVID-19 rules.

Ms Zhang will return to court next month as well following her charges.


Don’t play play with rules, yeah?

Feature Image: New Africa /