New Study Concludes That Eating Fish Oil Can Help Increase Sperm Counts

Desperate for a baby this Rat Year because of auspiciousness and your mother-in-law’s constant nagging? Well, just pop those fish oil supplements and your sperm count’s getting one hell of a nitro boost.

New Study Concludes That Eating Fish Oil Can Help Increase Sperm Counts

According to a new study, men who consume fish oil supplements are reported to have boosted sperm counts, as well as increased testicle size. It’s worth noting that the increase took place in a relatively short period of time as well.

Published on 17 January 2020, the study was incorporated in the peer-reviewed Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), and has been hailed as the first well-designed study from a general population inclusive of healthy individuals.

In total, a group of 1,679 male military recruits and couch surfers were divided by researchers in an attempt to uncover whether fish oil could improve their semen. The study initially selected from young Danish men recruited to the military between 2012 and 2017, but it subsequently approached and invited young men, regardless of their fitness, for military service from 2018 to 2019.

And upon conclusion, it was determined that men who routinely consumed fish oil supplements for 60 days had millions more sperm. Increased motility (activity and movement), as well as higher proportions of healthy sperm, were also reported.


To put it into numerical figures, a semen volume that was 0.64ml higher, as well as a testicular size of 1.5ml larger, were reported upon the conclusion of an intake of fish oil supplements for more than 60 days.

And although the increase might not be particularly significant, it was noticeable due to the large proportion of participants involved.

Also, the sperm counts were reportedly boosted regardless of lifestyle choices, with the likes of diet, obesity, medications, smoking and physical activity taken into account. Other aspects might’ve been included in the study as well.

“Using a man aged 19 years who did not smoke, was not exposed to smoking in utero, had self-reported good to very good physical fitness, no fever in the past three months, and a mean 72 hours of abstinence as the reference, total sperm count was 147 million for men with no supplement intake, 159 million for men with other supplement intake, 168 million for men with fish oil supplement intake on fewer than 60 days, and 184 million for men with fish oil supplement intake on 60 or more days,” said Tina Jensen, of the University of Southern Denmark.

“Fish oil supplements were associated in a dose-response manner with higher semen volume and total sperm count, and larger testicular size.”

“These findings suggest that healthy men may benefit from intake of fish oil supplements, but a well designed randomised clinical trial among unselected men is warranted.”

But It’s Not Just Fish Oil

According to the same researchers, men who wished to give their sperm count a nitro boost should also indulge in a medley of other nutrient-dense meals, including fish, shellfish, poultry, cereals, vegetables and fruits.

On the other hand, one would do well to avoid such foods as processed meat, soy foods, potatoes, full-fat and total dairy products, cheese, coffee, alcohol and sweets.

For the full study, you can click here. And lest you’re wondering, the men were paid 500kr (approx. US$74) for their time.

And So… What’re You Waiting For?

Making a baby might sound easy.

But for a certain percentage of Singapore, that might not be necessarily true.

So to all the wannabe dads, I implore you;

Pop those fish oil supplements, eat clean…

And the babies should pop out like popcorn soon enough.

Image: Gfycat