Fitness Instructor Suddenly Collapsed With Stroke Because Of Lack of Sleep & Genes

Last Updated on 2020-03-07 , 11:05 pm

How many of you are team #sleepisfortheweak?

Chances are that if you’re a student who’s still in your early 20s, it is highly likely that you’re part of that club.

We have all heard about the benefits of sleeping early and how we would die earlier if we sleep late every day.

However, maybe it’s because we are actually busy or because we think that we are still “young”, we usually brush that last thought off.

But maybe this story here might give you a wake-up call.

“Muscle Dad” From Taiwan Struck Down With Stroke 

JZ Woo or “Muscle Dad” from Taiwan is a 37-year-old bodybuilder.

Why “Muscle Dad”? Perhaps this picture would show you why.

Image: Facebook (筋肉爸爸 JZ)

Yup, a very ribbed and muscular daddy indeed.

But hold your panties horses ladies (and all gay men out there), he’s happily married to his wife, Melody Wan, another fitness guru.

Image: Facebook (筋肉媽媽)

They are a fitness couple and would often attend events and hold classes together at JZ Fitness, the gym they co-own.

Image: Facebook (筋肉爸爸 JZ)

Many were shocked when they found out that the popular fitness instructor and gym owner suffered a stroke as he looked very healthy.

Wife Found Him On The Ground

On Facebook, Melody Wan recalled the traumatic experience.

On 13 September, her husband had wanted to take a nap after sending their son to school.

When she walked inside the room, she had found Woo there, collapsed on the ground suffering from a stroke.

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Rushed To The Hospital In Time  

At the hospital, the doctor said that there was a brain embolism – a blood vessel in his brain was blocked by a clot.

The good news was that Woo had more treatment options as he was admitted within three hours.

Medical History And Lifestyle Revealed Answers 

Puzzled by the sudden stroke, the doctor went through his medical history and it was revealed that on his mother’s side, they had a hypercoagulation problem.

This means that blood clots easily for them. His mother takes medication to manage the disease.

In addition to that, Woo would often sleep at around 3am and wake up at 6am. He would take naps in the afternoon but he usually has less than 6 hours of sleep a day.

Road to Recovery 

The stroke had affected the part of the brain that controls movement on the right side of his body but Woo is undergoing treatment and rehab.

Image: Facebook (筋肉媽媽)

His recovery is going smoothly, thanks to his already fit-physique before.

In the meantime, Wan is helping him and is taking over his classes at the gym.

Changes To Daily Habits 

The health scare has caused the couple to appreciate each other more.

“I realised, I’m so happy to be able to text my husband. To be able to hug him while chatting with him is such a huge blessing,” Wan says after her husband woke up from his coma.

Image: Facebook (筋肉媽媽)

She’s grateful for every day with her family and they now sleep at 10pm and wake up early in the morning.

Treating Strokes Is A Race Against Time 

Only 50% to 60% of stroke patients arrive at the hospital in an ambulance.

Receiving immediate medical attention is important if you’re suffering from a stroke because time is of the essence.

Healthy Lifestyle, Healthy Life 

Let the workaholic in you rest. Even if you don’t think you need it, your body needs it.

According to National Sleep Foundation, the recommended hours of sleep for adults (18-64) is 7 to 9 hours. More is okay, less isn’t.

So put your phone away and sleep before your alarm rings!