Foodpanda Grows By Almost 20 Times in Some Markets; Surge in Demand is ‘Challenging’

In light of the COVID-19 situation, takeout and deliveries are encouraged to minimise physical social interaction in order to curb the spread of the disease.

This has in turn resulted to a higher demand for food delivery.

So that would mean that food delivery platforms are huat-ing now?

Well, yes and no.

Foodpanda: Growing Fastly

Foodpanda, a third-party delivery service, has been impacted greatly in the past few months.

Operating in 12 markets in the Asia Pacific region, Foodpanda has reported that even their slowest growing markets have been growing more than three times.

In Foodpanda’s strongest markets such as Taiwan, the Philippines and Thailand, growth up to 20 times within a year was recorded.

Image: Giphy

So they should be happy, right?


Faces Challenges Due to Increasing Competition and Spike in Demand

However, Foodpanda still faces a multitude of challenges. Apart from increasing competition against other players and tech start-ups which provide similar services, adaptations to the current COVID-19 circumstances have led to ups and downs in Foodpanda’s operations.

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Foodpanda has been dealing with a spike in demand, changing consumer behaviour and concerns to keep both drivers and consumers safe.

As Jakob Angele, chief executive for Foodpanda Asia-Pacific puts it, Foodpanda has been in for a “roller-coaster ride”.

A slow growth is goody; a sudden spike is challenging, unless you can make money without working lah.

Fortunately, for Foodpanda, they have been able to quickly adapt to constraints that restaurants now face and ensure safe delivery in accordance to various markets’ regulations.

Contactless delivery and automated onboarding of new riders are some examples of its new ways of working. In other words, using technology to smooth the process.

Positive growth has also been seen in their newly launched grocery delivery service and new areas such as semi-finished meals (this isn’t available in Singapore).

Older customers are also starting to form a bigger part of their customer base.

Isn’t it interesting to see that even when businesses are booming, there are still challenges?

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