Footage Of Guide Dog Guiding Her Owner to a Seat in an MRT Train Gets Over 5K Shares in Less Than a Day

There are some videos that shouldn’t even be on the Internet at all, and there are some that are made for the Internet.

And this latest one is the latter.

It shows a kiasu auntie rushing into a train and finds a seat fastly, and then “chope” the seat immediately. The only difference is that this kiasu auntie is a Labrador Retriever, a dog breed that’s so smart, it can take the role of a guide dog.

Here’s the video, and if you’re watching it publicly, try not to melt loudly:


Guide dogs are allowed on public transport. Watch this video on how good girl Clare guides her handler, Hong Sen to the train door and quickly finds him an empty seat. Hong Sen said to us, “Clare is like a kiasu auntie, she will walk very fast to an empty seat when she sees one, or sometimes stare at people who occupy the seats we normally take, and people will give up their seats for us haha!”

Very persistent girl indeed. Please share to help us spread the awareness, and donate here to help us empower our clients to regain independence and quality of life:

Lest you’re like me who must watch it at least a hundred times before you move on to other things, here are a few gifs to make things earlier for you.

Clare the cutie finding a seat fastly:

Image: Facebook (Guide Dogs Singapore Ltd)

Hong Sen tucking Clare below the seat like a big bag:

Image: Facebook (Guide Dogs Singapore Ltd)

Yeah, go ahead and save this article, and rewatch it whenever you feel down.

So, you would be wondering: can you play with the dog while it’s on duty?

The answer is a big NO.

Guide Dogs Are Not Pets

According to the FAQs of Guide Dogs Singapore, the first thing that everyone should know is that guide dogs aren’t pets.

In other words, if you encounter Clare on the streets or in SIM (we can’t be certain but Clare’s handler seems to be a student in SIM), do not do these:

  • Pet or feed a Guide Dog while it is wearing its harness and guiding the blind or visually impaired handler.
  • Give commands to the dog or attempt to steer it by its harness.
  • Allow children to tease or abuse the dog.
  • Walk on the Guide Dog’s left side as it may distract or confuse the dog.
  • Let other pets challenge or intimidate the Guide Dog.

Simply put, just think of the guide dogs as police officers. Pretty sure you won’t allow your children to grab an officer’s pistol to play with it, right?

In the meantime, here’s Clare being tucked under the seat like a bag again:

Image: Facebook (Guide Dogs Singapore Ltd)
