61YO Man Went to 11YO Neighbour’s House to Read Her Fortune But Told Her to Remove Her Pants Instead

Someone once said:

“A reverse exorcism is when the devil asks the priest to exit the child’s body.”

And though it went viral as a meme, and is largely inaccurate towards the actual depiction of priests, it’s horrifyingly telling of the following incident:

A situation wherein an older man relies on an otherworldly service to con a younger girl into submission.

61YO Man Went to 11YO Neighbour’s House to Read Her Fortune But Told Her to Remove Her Pants Instead

Just recently, a 61-year-old man attempted to commit an indecent act on his 11-year-old neighbour, under the pretext of “reading her fortune”.

Thankfully, he did not succeed in his endeavour.

It’s said that the man had entered his 11-year-old neighbour’s home while she was all alone, under the guise of reading her palm.

He also reassured her that he was not a “dirty old guy”.

After scanning her palms, he informed her that her future was bright.

And that’s when the mask came off.

The man asked whether her tummy hurt, to which the girl replied no. Despite her answer, however, he requested for her to remove her pants, stating that he will blow her “below part” to alleviate her pain.

She refused.

The man eventually left, and the incident was later handed over to the cops.

It was later revealed that he had downed three bottles of beer beforehand.

On Friday (13 August 2021), he was charged for an attempt to obtain the commission of an indecent act by a child.

He was sentenced to a 14 months’ imprisonment term.

That’s Not The End Of The Story Too

As it turns out, this is far from being the man’s first brush with the law.

In fact, he had been released from jail less than two weeks ago, for an earlier case of molestation.

He was still on a remission order.

From 1985 to 2019, the man incurred 11 counts of outrage of modesty, and another two of insulting a woman’s modesty.

For offences committed in 2018 and 2019, he employed the same “reading fortune” ruse.

“The (man) also enquired whether the victims felt pain, before using this as a natural progression to commit the respective offences on the pretext of addressing the said pain,” Deputy Public Prosecutor (DPP) Hidayat said.

In addition, this was the third consecutive time the man had reoffended while serving a remission order.

Similar Instances

Unfortunately, molestation has only grown more prevalent over the years.

It has also grown bolder in nature.

In October 2020, a Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF) officer molested a male colleague in an ambulance.

The pair was in a parked ambulance at around 8:50 a.m. on 31 October 2020, when the accused reportedly went for a kiss.

Five minutes later, he repeated the act.

The accused also allegedly initiated “insulting communication” by inviting the victim to his “place to enjoy”.

And in another scenario, a bride ended up accusing her husband’s close friend and groomsman of molesting her… on her wedding night.

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Featured Image: ruji555/shutterstock.com