In 2016, a Person Was Jailed 7 Weeks After Framing Her FDW for Theft

There has been a lot of discussion and debate going around about the recent case involving Liew Mun Leong’s family and their former domestic helper, Parti Liyani.

You know, the one that they accused of stealing $34k worth of items from them.

Image: Facebook (Parti Liyani)

However, there are a lot of things about this case that just don’t add up, as Parti claimed that she did not pack a lot of the ‘stolen’ items, and the things that she did plan on taking back to Indonesia with her were either given to her or already discarded by the family.

Instead, she said that she was being framed to prevent her from lodging a complaint against the family for illegal deployment.

Now, as interesting as this story is, it is not what we are here to talk about today.

Instead, we are bringing up a similar incident that happened 4 years ago, where an employer was jailed for framing her maid ‘out of spite’.

Employer Went To Jail For Framing Her Maid 

In March 2016, a 36-year-old preschool teacher was sentenced to 7 weeks of jail for making a false police report against her maid.

Desai Asti Amit, who is an Indian national working in Singapore, planted a gold pendent in her maid’s luggage to frame her for stealing, just to get even with her.

She had not been happy with the work and attitude of her 23-year-old maid, Ms Kimei Dangmei ever since she started working for her back in April 2015.

In July 2015, Kimei requested to return back home to India as she was feeling homesick. However, Desai refused and managed to convince her to stay.

A month later, Kimei brought it up again and said that she wanted to go home. She had already packed her bags and was ready to leave.

Planted Two Items In The Maid’s Luggage

Since Desai was unhappy about it, she planted her gold pendant and a metal prayer cup in Kimei’s luggage on 20 Aug while she was at the playground with her son.

The next day, the maid ran away to a welfare organisation with her luggage, passport, mobile phone and wallet.

When Kimei was taken to the maid agency, Desai and her husband went along as well.

At the maid agency, Desai’s gold pendant dropped out from between some clothing while they were investigating Kimei’s luggage.

The metal prayer cup was also found in her bag, which made it look like she had stolen both items.

Desai’s husband called the police, and Kimei was arrested and kept at Bedok Police Station before being released on bail.

Desai kept quiet about what she had done all the way until 7 Sept, when she was giving a further statement to the police.

She came clean and admitted that she had framed her maid for theft, and pleaded guilty to giving false information to the police.

Image: Tenor

District Judge Adam Nakhoda said in a passing sentence that Desai had many opportunities to confess what she had done earlier but chose not to do so.

He also added that her actions had affected the maid’s employability in Singapore.

Taking all of these into consideration, she was sentenced to 7 weeks’ of jail time.

CAG Chairman’s Family Case

Sounds slightly similar to the current maid case that is going on with the CAG Chairman’s family, doesn’t it?

Parti also claims that she was framed by her employers and that she did not steal any of the items that she was accused of taking.

The Ministry of Manpower (MOM) is in consultation with the Attorney-General’s Chambers to assess if any further action ought to be taken regarding the case.

Of course, don’t start a witch hunt because right now, the relevant authorities are investigating the case.

You can read more about the feud between Parti and the Liew family here.