A Good-Class Bungalow Cost $1.8 Million to Rent a Year & It Looks like a House for Christian Grey


You’ve heard of HDB flats being sold for over a million dollars.

But how about a good class bungalow that people want to live in for $1.8 million…per year.

Image: Giphy

Believe it or not, there is a house out there in Singapore worth that price, and it was recently leased for a whopping $150k per month.

Although, we’re not really surprised that there’s someone in Singapore who’s able to afford living like that.

A Good-Class Bungalow Cost $1.8 Million to Rent a Year & It Looks like a House for Christian Grey

So what makes this bungalow such an expensive deal?

First thing first, the location and size.

Located at Bishopgate is a good class bungalow (GCB) that costs $150,000 per month to rent.

Image: Screengrab of Google Maps

It sits on a freehold site of about 17,100 sq ft (~1,589 sqm) with a built-up area of 15,000 sq ft (~1,393 sqm) in the central area of Singapore.

But other than location, its design plays a huge part in the hefty price tag too.


On the roof, you have your own pool to swim in and lounge around while admiring the beautiful view.

Image: Guz Architects

And while it appears fully enclosed, the swimming pool has a glass floor that allows light to filter down into the central atrium areas below.

Image: Guz Architects

Each level has its own terrace which opens up to beautiful panoramic views outside the house.

The first floor also opens to your very own green nirvana.

Image: Guz Architects

A blissful, quiet green space that’s exceedingly rare in urban jungle Singapore.

The home reportedly has spaces for six cars as well in an underground basement with a driveway that links directly to the outside.

Well, all in all, it looks like a home, not for crazy-rich Asians, but millionaire playboy Christian Grey, don’t you think?


Other Crazy-Rich Rents

Apparently, according to EdgeProp, there are other properties like these out there in Singapore that’s being rented for crazy-high prices (for mortals, that is).

In 2019, the highest rental rate was $85,000 a month for a GCB at Ewart Park.

It wasn’t the only one either as another GCB on Cluny Road was leased out for the same amount.

Currently, there’s another luxury bungalow available for lease at Tanglin Hill, and if it’s rented out for its asking price (S$125,000 per month), it’ll be a close second to this Bishopgate’s property.

No wonder people in other countries think that Singaporeans are all Crazy Rich Asians, especially when they hear how much we spend on our cars every ten years.

Image: Giphy