George Clooney’s Sister-In-Law Gets 3 Weeks Jail & Fine For Drink Driving: Had 3 Times Legal Limit Of Alcohol

George Clooney may be well-known for his clean-cut, “good-guy”, law-abiding image.

But his sister-in-law is somewhat of a rebel.

Repeat Offender

Tala Alamuddin Le Tallec, who is a permanent resident in Singapore, was sentenced to three weeks jail and a fine of S$6,400 on 14 October 2019 for drunk driving.

This isn’t the first time that 47-year-old Tala has been charged for drink-driving. Back in 2013, she was fined S$3,000 and banned from driving for two years for driving under the influence, but never reapplied for a Class 3 driving license.

She was also charged for inconsiderate driving in 2004 and careless driving in 2010.

Perhaps authorities should consider banning her from driving permanently. I don’t feel safe on the roads already.

Apart from her drunk driving charge, Tala also racked up charges for driving without a Class 3 driving license and driving without insurance.

This woman really doesn’t care, does she?

To top it all off, Tala also took her husband’s BMW without his permission.

The story keeps getting more and more interesting.

A Night of Partying

The incident happened on 14 May 2019, at about 2.30pm when Tala was caught with 95 micrograms of alcohol, in 100 millilitres of her breath, close to 3 times the acceptable legal limit of 35 micrograms.

I guess the alcohol gets to your head sometimes. It’s either overconfidence or ignorance.

Tala is the sister of human rights lawyer Amal Clooney. Oh the irony. Don’t others have the “right” to be safe on roads?

Apart from Tala’s three-week jail term and fine of S$6,400, she also faces a ban from driving for four years after completing her jail term.

On 14 May 2019, the mother of four drove her husband’s BMW along Holland Road towards Ulu Pandan and was stopped by police at a roadblock.

She had had two glasses of wine and a glass of champagne at a restaurant on Dempsey Hill. Her friend was next to her when they were stopped.

Did her friend not think to stop her from driving?

Breathalyser Not Necessary

The police officer noticed that she was having trouble finding the handbrake. She also had a strong smell of alcohol and couldn’t answer where she had been before.

I guess the breathalyser test wasn’t even necessary.

Her lawyer Sashi Nathan told the court that she would have accepted a longer driving ban as she has decided not to drive anymore.

Really? That’s great news!

Spare a Thought for Others

Even if you think that you can hold your alcohol, you won’t know how your reflexes have been affected until after the accident. Also, you dying is one thing. What if you end up killing another innocent person?