35YO Woman Charged for Murdering 8YO Daughter in Geylang

When you have a child, it’s your duty and responsibility to keep them safe from harm. They will turn to you whenever they’re in danger, as you’ve become their safety net.

But, believe it or not, there are parents out there who would hurt their own children.

And some who would even kill them.

35YO Woman Believed to Have Murdered Her 8YO Daughter

At around 11:40am on Tuesday morning (10 Aug), the police were alerted to an incident in a residential unit in Geylang Lorong 31.

What officers found when they arrived must have shocked them.

An eight-year-old girl was found lying motionless in the unit with multiple wounds. It is unclear how the wounds were inflicted.

The girl was in an unconscious state when taken to the hospital, and was later pronounced dead at 12.45pm.

A 35-year-old woman was arrested at the scene for her suspected involvement. The woman is the victim’s biological mother.

Woman Charged With Murder, Could Be Put to Death

Today (12 Aug), the woman was charged with the murder of her eight-year-old daughter.

She is believed to have attacked the young girl sometime before 11:38am in the Geylang residential unit.

The woman has been remanded and her case has been adjourned.

If found guilty of her daughter’s murder, the 35-year-old could be sentenced to death.

Man Jailed For Biting & Choking Son

Just two days ago, another parent, a 36-year-old man, was jailed and fined for abusing his son.

The offences were committed between 2018 and 2019.

On one occasion, the man bit his older son after he found that the boy had bitten his younger son, as he wanted him to feel how painful it was.

In another instance, the man was driving his van to collect parcels when the same boy, the older son, vomited in the van.

Furious, the man later grabbed the boy and lifted him by the neck, choking him.

When the boy cried and screamed in pain, the man said he hated him.

But that wasn’t it.

The 36-year-old then used a bicycle cord to tie the boy’s hands together. In the process of trying to free his hands, the boy dislodged a tooth.

The victim was just six years old at the time.

Fortunately, a passerby saw what was happening and called the police.

Yesterday, the man was imprisoned for nine months and fined S$4,500, after pleading guilty to mistreating his child and voluntarily causing hurt.

After the choking incident, the boy was taken to the hospital and admitted for six days. He was placed into the care of his grandmother when discharged.

The boy was also later placed in MINDSville, so he could get help for his development.

Signs of Child Physical Abuse

According to the Child Welfare Information Gateway, there are several signs of physical abuse in children that we can look out for.

These include:

  • Unexplained burns, bites, bruises, broken bones, or black eyes
  • Fading bruises or other marks after an absence from school
  • Being frightened of parents and protests or cries when it is time to go home
  • Shrinking at the approach of adults
  • Reporting injury by a parent or another adult caregiver

When the caregiver offers unconvincing or no explanation at all for a child’s injury, alarm bells should be going off in your head.

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Featured Image: Peter Leee/shutterstock.com