Ghostwriter Claimed Chinese Influencer Made Up Accusations of Kris Wu’s Sexual Assault

New Twists in Kris Wu Case: Ghostwriter Alleges Fabrication of Assault Claims

The 2021 Kris Wu sexual assault case has now been in the public eye for nearly two years.

This high-profile case, involving the former star Kris Wu, has taken many unexpected turns and has been challenging for many to comprehend.

Initially, it seemed the saga might have concluded last year when the Beijing Chaoyang District Court sentenced Wu to a 13-year prison term, coupled with a strict deportation order.

However, recent developments have cast new doubts on the case.

These new twists came from an alleged ghostwriter for Du Meizhu, the brave victim who had publicly shared her experiences on Weibo, significantly damaging Wu’s reputation.

This ghostwriter, identified only by his surname “Xu” and the pseudonym “Mao Shilin,” claimed that he authored the post in which Du accused Wu of date rape.

Image: Tencent News

A Look Back at the Alleged “Truth” of The Kris Wu Case

The controversy began with Du Meizhu’s 2020 allegations of date rape when she was 17.

She accused Kris Wu of luring her to his home under the guise of a music video audition and then forcing her to consume alcohol until she lost consciousness.

Her choice of platform for these accusations? A post on Weibo.

Most shockingly, Xu claimed that the post contained multiple false accusations, raising the question: Were Du Meizhu’s allegations fabricated?

The case involved not just Du Meizhu but several other girls, including minors, who accused Wu of sexual assault.

Throughout the ordeal, Wu urged other victims to come forward with their traumatic experiences.

If Du’s allegations were indeed fictional, it would be a startling revelation.

Ghostwriter’s Claims: No Coercion of Underaged Girls; Du Boasted About the Incident

Xu exposed two major alleged fabrications.

The first was regarding the eight underage girls who accused Wu of sexual assault.

The second pertained to Du’s claim of being forced and raped by Wu.

Contrary to her accusations, Xu stated that Du boasted about her sexual encounter with Wu and aspired to join the entertainment industry, claiming she had genuine feelings for Wu.

Xu accused Du of complicating her personal life and seeking social media attention from the Kris Wu incident.

According to Xu’s Weibo post, which is now deleted, he admitted that much of the information was unverified and based primarily on Du’s account.

This revelation has since become a trending topic, with Kris Wu’s agency sharing Xu’s post.

The post, written on 21 Nov, was not the only one of its kind; Du’s friend Li En also made similar claims, according to Tencent News.

Image: Tencent News

Li En’s Weibo posts suggested that Du and Wu were once in a relationship, and Du sought revenge after feeling neglected by Wu and denied entry into the entertainment industry.

Li En claimed that Du misled her to support the sexual assault allegations and even suggested that Wu could settle the case with a monetary payment to receive a lighter sentence.

Image: Tencent News

However, Wu consistently maintained his innocence, refusing any form of settlement. This is evidenced by his decision to appeal the 13-year prison sentence.

As of now, the Weibo accounts of both Li En and Xu have been banned.

The Second Hearing

On 25 Nov of the previous year, the Beijing Chaoyang District Court delivered its first-instance judgment against Wu.

He was sentenced to 11 years and 6 months for rape and an additional 1 year and 10 months for group licentiousness, resulting in a total of 13 years in prison plus deportation.

Dissatisfied with this outcome, Kris Wu appealed to the Beijing No. 3 Intermediate People’s Court.

The court found that Wu had acted against the will of multiple women, exploiting their intoxication for sexual relations, constituting rape.

He was also a key figure in organizing group licentious activities, further cementing his guilt.

Despite Wu’s appeal, the court upheld the original sentence, with the proceedings attended by his close relatives and Canadian Embassy officials in China.

Kris Wu’s Mother’s Reaction

Kris Wu’s mother has publicly expressed regret on Weibo for preventing her son from exiting the entertainment industry.

Asserting her belief in the law, she indicated her intention to continue the appeal process.

However, her post has since been deleted as well.

Image: Tencent News