Girl Offended By Guy Who Wore Uniqlo & H&M Clothes on First Date So She Shamed Him Online

Last Updated on 2020-02-29 , 9:59 pm

The ancient tribe of Jigglypuff has a saying:

“The first impression’s everything, from the time you go on your first date to the time you walked in on your sister and Uncle Tom doing wrestling moves on each other.”

And indeed, there’s no faulting the logicality in that statement, seeing how humans are pretty much hard-wired to process and judge everything from the first glance alone. Why else would we run from lions, but try to get close to pretty girls?

Yet, like everything else, there’s a limit to how far one can truly ‘judge a book by its cover’.

And I dare say that this particular instance is a prime testament to that.

Cheap fashion no good

According to Japan Today, an unidentified girl recently took to a popular online forum in Japan known as Girls Channel to talk about her ‘memorable’ first date. The title in question?

“Is it OK to wear cheap fashion on your first date or no good?”

Thereafter, the girl proceeds to chronicle her experience down in cold, hard letters.

“I went on a first date with a guy yesterday. When we got inside the cafe, I sat on the sofa seat and he sat on one of the regular chairs facing it. He took off his coat and overshirt, and so I offered to take it so I could hang it on a hook on the wall. When I checked the tags, I saw his coat was H&M and the overshirt was from Uniqlo! I was kind of disappointed he wore such casual fashion even though it was our first date together… Oh, by the way, I couldn’t tell how much his shoes cost but they looked like cheap leather ones.”

Image: StyleDemocracy

(It has to be mentioned that an approximate 150% of local men are wearing Uniqlo or H&M on a daily basis. Research done by Yssup the Cat)

Dismissing both brands as “cheap” ones, she tried seeking validation from other netizens on the forum. Expressing her initial happiness at how her date had offered her the sofa seat, she requested for other girls’ opinion, saying:

“How would you feel going on a first date with someone who put together a whole outfit of cheap stuff? It’s no good, right?”

Now, I’ve no idea which camp you’re on, but these other girls Ms Unidentified was talking to…

They were definitely in the No-Nonsense camp.

Do you know who I am you are?

Criticising her for her words, they berated her for judging a person based on the brands he wore. To exemplify, some of the comments included the likes of…

“I can’t stand people who only care about top brands.”

“I don’t like people who check on other people’s brands that thoroughly.”

“Screw this author Zhi Hao; he talks cock.” (okay this one probably wasn’t written by one of the Netizens)

“And who are you to judge, exactly?”

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As it was, most of the forum patrons stuck their hands up for the guy, and turned against Ms Unidentified for her behaviour. They also shared a consensus, that it really doesn’t matter what a person wears as long as they look neatclean and presentable.

Image: Imgur

(Although I think you’ll still be pretty screwed if you were born looking like the love child of Dobby and Gollum)

And perhaps to really drive the point home, one Netizen quipped:

“What, and you were dressed head-to-toe in Chanel?”


So guys…

If there’s a moral to be taken here, it would be that it doesn’t matter what you’re wearing, as long as you’re presentable, presentable and presentable.

So toss on your Pasar Malam shirts and trousers and Bangkok suits and ties, because you know you want it.

Image: Gfycat

But just to be safe I don’t really know about it.