Gojek Driver Demands $3 Tip From Customers; Drops Them Off At Bus Stop After Being Rejected

When you’ve just returned back to Singapore after a long and tiring flight, all you want to do is get home fast and shower.

More often than not, we may return at ungodly hours and we would rather hail a cab or book a Grab or Gojek instead of troubling our family members and loved ones to come down to pick us up from Changi Airport.

So that was exactly what this man and his two companions did.

The man who goes by the name of Joseph shared on a Facebook post that they returned to Singapore in the early hours of Wednesday, 18 December. It seems that there were many other flights that landed the same time as theirs, so when they tried to book a Grab or Gojek, they noticed that the prices have surged.

After 10 minutes of not being able to get a Grab at $11 to Tampines, they decided to try their luck on Gojek and managed to get a ride for $14.

Upon getting into the car, Joseph noticed that the driver showed “signs of weirdness”.

Gojek Driver Allegedly Asked For Tips

The driver tries to make friendly conversation with the trio and welcomes them back to Singapore. For some reason, he then follows this up by asking if that statement entitled him a tip.

As anyone would, the trio awkwardly laughed it off and Joseph offered to give him a five-star rating instead.

Image: Facebook (Joseph Lam)

The driver then said that that was “of no use to Gojek”, unlike Grab. And he continued by saying “Grab surge is $21 for a trip to Tampines now, so it will be nice if you can leave me a tip. Do you mind? Normally I will suggest my clients to leave me a tip of $3 if they don’t mind. Do you mind?”

Image: Giphy

Who demands that?

Starting to get angry after not having a good rest on the plane, the trio remained silent and ignored his demands, hoping that this would be enough to tell him that they weren’t going to give a tip.

Clearly, he didn’t get the memo because he asked once again for a tip.

Image: Facebook (Joseph Lam)

Unable to keep his anger in, Joseph curtly replied “Yes, I do mind”.

Upon hearing this, the driver told them that since they minded giving him a tip, he would have no choice but to drop them off at the nearest bus stop.

Image: Giphy

This obviously made Joseph very confused and he tried to reason with the driver, but nothing was going through that thick skull of his. Joseph even told him that if he was that unsatisfied with the benefits that Gojek was giving, he could always switch to Grab.

But that didn’t help, because the driver had already cancelled their ride and stopped by a bus stop.

Image: Facebook (Joseph Lam)

They reluctantly got off the car and as they were unloading their luggages, the driver was sarcastic and even taunted them, “I know who really needs a ride right now. Good luck my friends!”

Image: Giphy
Image: Facebook (Joseph Lam)

You can read Joseph’s full post about it here.

Gojek Has Yet To Respond

Despite Joseph’s post that has since gone viral, Gojek has yet to respond to this incident.

Now, even though we may feel unjustified for Joseph, do take note that this is just a one-sided account of what happened.

If it is indeed true, hopefully Gojek will take the necessary actions against such drivers so that the ride-sharing experience for everyone will be pleasant.