PHV Driver’s List of Passive-Aggressive Disclaimers in Car Claims Passengers Should be ‘Grateful’ for the Ride

If you’ve taken a private hire car before, it’s probably pretty safe to say that most private hire drivers are decent people when they do their job.

Or at least most of them don’t go out of their way to annoy you.

But it seems like there are still outliers in some sense, evident from a Facebook post that left many Singaporeans amused and even more people offended.

On 26 May, Facebook user Clara Fu uploaded the following photo to her Facebook account.

The photo featured the interior of a private hire car that had many written notices taped onto the back of the front seats.

In addition to that, there was also a plastic divider separating the front and back seats.

The comments ranged from indicating that the “Driver[‘s] voice [is] loud not rude” to the rules that he follows when driving such as using the shortest route based on the GPS.

And there was even some sort of job advertisement that was pasted on the side as well.

He also wrote, “My eyes small but [I’m] not sleeping!” on one of the signs, which probably made most people who saw the photo giggle a bit.

The comments were mostly written in an extremely passive-aggressive tone, with many netizens speculating that the comments were made due to the unpleasant encounters that the driver might have with passengers had in the past.

In particular, many believed that passengers might have given him bad reviews due to the “Be grateful to have driver pick you. Don’t complain!” sign.

He also wrote, “Want extra service? Please tell me, don’t complain!” and “Driver’s just [trying to] earn a living,” another message states. “Please don’t complain!” on other signs.

Fu also captioned her post with “This driver must have seen it all.”

Netizens’ Reactions

To no one’s surprise, the odd sighting left many netizens entertained and tickled pink.

Many left comments making fun jokes about the situation, and one Facbeook user even commented, “Thought [it] was ah long [who] pasted papers.”

However, some netizens also criticised the driver for his actions and said that it discouraged them from giving him a good review instead.

“Aiyo everything me me me me me. And you block the aircon to the back, why u didnt think of pax comfort? Only think about yourself. I will give u 1 star,” one commenter said.

Some users also pointed out that the interior of the car looked extremely messy, which was less than desirable, to say the least.

There was a user who also brought up how the notice could possibly do him more harm than good since some customers might take his notices the wrong way and feel irked after seeing them.

“does putting up these info do really help him? nowadays more and more trolls so maybe after seeing all, might even grade him lesser stars. he has to know it’s also a service line,” the netizen wrote.

Additionally, a handful of commenters speculated that the driver is “really stressed up” about this job and said that he might want to consider switching jobs since he may not derive as much joy from this career.

This was especially after many netizens noted that one of the notices mentioned how the driver works 13 hours a day.

Customers’ Experience

Apart from that, some passengers who took the same driver’s car before also wrote about their experience.

In one comment, a Facebook user said that the driver was “crazy” and got agitated for “no reason” after there was a glitch on the Tada application.

He then told the passenger to get out of his car, and was also rough on the brakes prior to that.

On the other hand, another passenger claimed that his experience was “a good ride for sure”.

Despite the polarising opinions, it seems like Fu had a good experience, to say the least.

“I actually asked my friend who booked the ride in her HP to rate 5*,” she wrote in one of the comments.

She also told AsiaOne that the driver was not rude at any point in time despite his strict tone.

The driver thanked them after reaching their destination as well.

She then added that she shared the pictures because she found the notices rather amusing.

Fu actually also found them to be useful as well, for she and her friends did take note to not speak too loudly when in the car.

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And while the driver’s notices may seem like a harmless set of opinions, this isn’t the first time where private hire drivers have rubbed customers off the wrong way regardless of their intentions.

Back in 2020, Grab suspended one of its GrabHitch drivers due to anti-LGBTQ text messages that he sent to a passenger.

Despite being suspended, the driver denied that his statements were abusive. He also added that “political slogans” should not be present in public spaces.

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Featured Image: Facebook (Clara Fu)