Grab M’sia Calls Customer ‘Crackhead’ When Addressing His Complaint On Twitter; Netizens Are Amused


The existence of social media means that people can take their complaints about literally every small little thing to the world.

Got a new friend? Instagram the both of you in a selfie, preferably smiling or doing a pose.

Breakup? Change your relationship status on Facebook. Remember to compose a poem about how the relationship affected your life.

Just had the smoothest poop of your life? Tweet that shit out.

One particular Malaysian user with the Twitter name “crackhead” and handle @tiredcroissant had one tweet about GrabFood not delivering for food that they have already charged him for go viral.

GrabFood Replied To Apologise and Assist

In their reply, GrabFood addressed him by his Twitter name “crackhead”.

crackhead/@tiredcroissant replied to GrabFood, then saying:

This post exploded in popularity and as of writing got 34.1K retweets and 84.2K likes.

Image: PNG All

The actual word crackhead is usually used in reference to someone who regularly smokes crack or cocaine. It’s illegal in most countries, of course.

Sometimes, it can also be used to refer to someone who just talks about things senselessly like a person who smoked crack. As in, “which crackhead came up with this dumb idea?”

Image: Reddit (u/BdsMickeyMouse)

Fun random fact: if you use Ecosia (which I do, and you should because it plants trees) and search for the term “crackhead”, you get NSFW results on the first page for some reason.

I have planted 1866 trees. / Image: Ecosia

crackhead Or tiredcroissant?

Twitter users who saw the tweet then started a mini-debate of what to call him/her in comments.


What do you guys think?

If there’s anything to notice, it’s that GrabFood replied so fast. What customer service.
