Grocery Store at East Coast Road Gives Away Bruised Fruits and Vegetable for Free to Reduce Food Waste in S’pore

Unlike what we’d like to believe, when we throw away perfectly good food into our bins, it doesn’t later fall into the mouth of a particularly hungry giant.

Giants don’t exist, but food waste certainly does.

According to the National Environment Agency (NEA), the amount of food waste generated in Singapore has increased by about 20% over the past 10 years and is expected to increase with our growing population and economic activity.

Food waste accounts for just 10% of the total waste generated in Singapore, but only 18%  of the food waste is recycled.

Now, one grocery store is trying to do its bit to reduce food waste.

Grocery Store at East Coast Road Gives Away Bruised Fruits and Vegetable for Free to Reduce Food Waste in S’pore

A grocery store in East Coast is giving away bruised fruits and vegetables for free in an attempt to cut down on food waste.

An image of the blemished produce was shared in a Reddit post on Sunday (4 April).

Image: Reddit

The image shows various fruits and vegetables with different blemishes such as dark spots and dents.

A cardboard sign next to the imperfect produce says “I may be flawed but still tasty! I’m free!”

The netizen who shared the image later clarified that this wasn’t from one of the big supermarket chains but by East Coast Grocers, a local wholesale grocer.

It’s certainly an admirable move, but are these bruised fruits and vegetables safe to eat?

Bruised Produce Usually Fine to Eat

According to Michigan State University, bruising isn’t an indication that a fruit or vegetable has gone bad.

Instead, it’s simply a reaction that occurs as cells break down and are exposed to oxygen, causing browning.

While the reaction does change the color as well as make the tissue feel softer or even mushy, it does not mean that the fruit is rotten or should not be eaten.

As the university explained: “the bruise is simply displeasing aesthetically but not a health hazard.”

Netizens’ Reaction

Netizens certainly approved of the move, with one even calling upon the government to introduce a law banning the disposal of blemished produce by supermarkets and wholesalers.

Image: Reddit

Another noted that if consumers continue to select only “pretty” fruits, “companies will try to make them look the way we want artificially”.

Image: Reddit

So, if we can eat a delicious fruit or vegetable – sometimes at a lower price – and reduce food waste, why not do so?

Featured Image: Reddit