Guys, these are 8 essential qualities you need to make the girl fall for you


Last Updated on 2016-05-20 , 11:53 am

If you have your eyes on a certain girl, this post will be of great help to you. We’re here to help you be the best person you can be for that girl. So if you managed to get a date out with a special someone, follow these points below and you might just be on your way to getting a second date with her!

When you have a goal in life
It’s not always about living in the moment and YOLO-ing. As girls, we tend to look towards the future and it’s great if you know what you want in life. It’s even better if you are working towards it. It doesn’t matter whether it earns you a whole bunch of cash or not, but having a goal will make you seem serious about your future instead of just floating through life and expecting things to miraculously turn out good for you. Yes, it makes you seem much more dependable.

When you are thoughtful
Such as offering her a jacket, holding the door for her, or even ordering for her. These actions will make you seem like a sensitive person instead someone who’s narcissistic and self-serving. In addition, it also shows the kind of person you are on the inside, and as girls, we tend to go for character rather than looks. Plus, most girls like it when guys takes the initiative in doing things.

When you focus on her
This means not checking your phone more than you check her out. It’s important to let her know that she’s someone that you are interested in getting to know. So put your phone in your bag and really spend the time with her.

Remember the little things
It’s always nice whenever a girl realise that you remembered something she told you quite some time ago. It makes it seem as though you’ve paid attention to the things that she said, and trust us, you’ll definitely score some brownie points in her heart.

Be straightforward
Don’t beat around the bush. Get to the point. If you like this girl, show her that you are actually interested in her instead of giving her mixed signals. Girls don’t like to play the guessing game and chances are, she’ll just put you in the friend zone and be done with it.

Know how to take a joke
Don’t get angry and annoyed over the slightest things. Girls don’t really like it if you’re overly-serious all the time. Know when to lighten up and when to be serious. Joke around with her and make her laugh. Making a girl laugh is always a surefire way to attract her.

Care about her opinions
Instead of trying to push your opinions onto her, be open to hers and even if you may not agree, let her know that you understand where she is coming from. You might even get yourself into a fun light-hearted debate on the topic. But show that you care about what she is thinking and her feelings.

Dress Well
Yes, looks isn’t everything but you won’t get anything if you’re not presentable. No girls like a guy who looks like a sloppy mess. Taking the time to dress well shows that you actually are putting in effort to look good for her, and it’s the thought that counts.

Top Image: PrinceOfLove /