Han Hui Hui is Now An Active YouTuber Who Posts Short Videos About S’pore Regularly

Han Hui Hui is a local activist who’s made local headlines years ago due to the causes she was championing:

  • #ReturnmyCPF
  • #Returnmynotebook
  • #Returnmymass.

While she’s had trouble finding public spaces to speak at, it seems that Han is now turning to a new platform to spread her words.

Han Hui Hui is Now An Active YouTuber Who Posts Short Videos About S’pore Regularly

Okay, to be fair, Han’s YouTube channel isn’t new.

A jaunt through her YouTube channel found that it has been created since 2008.

However, her uploads were pretty inconsistent until two months ago.

Now, she’s uploading videos consistently which are usually re-uploads of her TikTok content.

Image: Screengrab from Han Hui Hui’s YT Channel

And what is one of Singapore’s most high-profile activists using the platform for? To talk about Singapore, of course.

Some of the videos are as short as 30 seconds, in the form of prose:

While others are longer, asking pointed questions that are presumedly trying to get Singaporeans thinking:

Even controversial ones asking if it’s better to contract COVID-19 and recover, or take jabs for the rest of your life:

In the latest video, Han uploaded a vlog about how her past week has been.

She also talked about the inconveniences of not having a sheltered bus stop near her home and described how she went about trying to resolve the issue.

Trouble With The Government

Back in 2015, Han Hui Hui made headlines when she held a demonstration at Hong Lim Park without approval and allegedly heckled a group of special needs people from YMCA.

Shortly after, she also started a #returnmynotebook and #returnmymass campaign after her notebook was reportedly taken away by the police while she was under investigation.

Not only that, but she had also demanded the return of 500g, which she claimed was the body weight lost while going to the police station.

In 2019, Han appeared on internet news again for successfully giving birth to her baby.

The attention, however, wasn’t on the successful birth, but on the fact that even after a momentous affair, her mind is still on socio-political matters.

Well, at least now you know where to go if you want to get updates about Han Hui Hui in the near future.

Her YouTube channel or her TikTok channel.

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Feature Image: Screengrab from Han Hui Hui’s YT Channel