Harvard Study Shows Frequent Ejaculation Lowers Risk Of Death From Disease & Helps You Sleep

No matter where I go, it follows me.

It plagues me.

Image: Amazon

On one hand, it feels so good. If there’s one thing for certain, it’s a sure-fire way to get your spirits up.

And yet, on the other hand, it’s dirty. Considered to be borderline Satanic by the most Asian of parents, it’s hardly something you would want to do in front of your parents.

“Look Mum! Look Dad!” you yell in the living room as you proudly brandish your dripping eggplant. “It’s oozing! Have you ever seen an oozing eggplant?”

Dad faints. Mum stays conscious just long enough to give you a good spanking.

“Sorry Mum,” you weep as your ass gets spanked.

Yeah, it’s an absolute nightmare. To do it or not do it…

That’s the question.

And Yet… The Hard Question Remains…

Should you do it? And if you should…

How frequently should you do it?

If you’ve always faced this mind-boggling dilemma, I’m here to tell you;

Do it all you want, because it might actually be beneficial for your body.

According to consultant urologist Professor Dr George Lee Eng Geap, the scientific basis of ejaculation benefits is tied to the elevation of certain “feel-good neurotransmitters” in the brain during orgasms. And apparently, it works the same as bingsoo:

It relieves stress.

“These are mainly oxytocin and dopamine (types of hormone) that generate positive emotions in the intimate environment,” he said.

“The feel-good factor is believed to have the impact of stress reduction, some even associate frequent ejaculation with an increase in motivation and productive attitude.”

Furthermore, frequent ejaculation is noted to help with sleep, improve sperm quality, boost the immune system and even reduces the risk of death from cardiac disease. It also enhances fertility, which would surely be a boost for those aiming for an entire football team.

“The speculated reasons behind this may be due to the elevated neurotransmitters such as oxytocin and dopamine.

“The protective effects include better quality of sleep that in turn enhances immunity,” he said.

And to cap it all off?

It could even reduce the risk of cancer. 

Image: Fiction Foundry – Fandom

According to Dr Lee, regular ejaculation may actually reduce the risk of prostate cancer.

Citing the Harvard ejaculation scientific data, he said the study revealed that frequent ejaculation (21 times or more per month) is associated with a 31 per cent reduction in prostate cancer risk when compared with men who ejaculated between four to seven times a month.

How Frequent Is Frequent?

I know what you’re thinking. “I wanna do it every minute of the day!” you yip. “But if I do that I can’t do anything else. Help!” In response, I refer you to the one and only Dr Lee.

“Some men may ejaculate several times per day and have no impact on daily life, while others may ejaculate once a month and the guilt of self-pleasure may cause anxiety and impair functional life.”

And the magical answer?

“If the frequency of ejaculation has caused tiredness and anxiety that has a negative impact on daily life, then the individual has exceeded the desirable frequency.”

Yes, folks. Moderation.

Like everything else in life. Except for Jia Yuen’s Salted Egg Chicken Rice. That magical stuff can be consumed in copious quantities without question.

What About The Whole #NoFap Challenge?

After all, there have been numerous Reddit threads preaching the all-important goodness of the NoFap challenge, and how it makes you impenetrable. A god. So surely…

Abstaining from ejaculation has its merits?

Well, while some users did profess “heightened abilities”, Dr Lee reveals that in the end, there is no hard data to support this opinion as the level of testosterone and quality of sperms will NOT be positively influenced by prolonged abstinence. So yes folks.

Do it all you want.

Image: Gfycat

Until you start to feel like a zombie anyway. That’s when you should probably abstain.

A little.